weekly horoscope stars forecast

Astrological overview of the week ahead

The beginning of this week sees the Moon in Virgo gaining in light after the recent solar eclipse, and this brings a feeling of productivity, although bear in mind that Virgo’s ruler Mercury is still retrograde, so pay attention to how you are reviewing a situation, and don’t let your mind run away with itself.

Try to focus on working and concentrating on one or two tasks rather than a whole load.
Listen to your body at this time, as when the Moon is in Virgo you will be more attuned to healthy and bodily matters.

On Tuesday morning the Moon moves into Libra which helps you to feel more social.
Responses and reactions will tend to revolve around seeing the other person’s point of view, so make some time for togetherness, or gathering with friends.

On Tuesday afternoon look out for a particularly charming hour or two when the Moon meets Venus in Libra (Venus rules Libra).
This conjunction perfects at 18:05pm.

This is a time where you can help another person make the best of them self, so indulge in a good conversation, or share an idea that could bring more harmony and balance to a situation.

On Thursday morning the Moon changes sign into Scorpio, which will intensify your feelings.
Generally speaking the Moon isn’t too comfortable in Scorpio as it encourages you to take your feelings deep and fathom out the depths of the soul.
Often this can be too deep for comfort (when comfort is what the Moon would prefer).
There’s not much surface reaction and response because the Moon has gone (like a miner would) way below to excavate into the heart of the matter.
Often the moon reveals something that has the potential to cause suffering, which in turn pushes you to heal by facing the truth.
That drives you to make a transformation.

That transformation will happen at the First Quarter Moon on Saturday morning (for more on that see below).
The moon will then finish off its stay in Scorpio at 15:00pm by making a favourable aspect to Mars (the ruler of Scorpio), which indicates that any difficulties experienced have become a useful tool to move forwards with.
So put to good use your emotions and feelings at this time to exact a determined change.

On Saturday afternoon the Moon changes sign into expansive and intellectual Sagittarius, which will lift your mood considerably and encourage you to become more active, even restless.
As the Sun and Mercury are in fellow fire sign Leo the moon will connect positively with them on Sunday and Monday, so instinctively you will feel enthusiastic and want to keep things light and fun.
You will start to see a big picture formulating (that seeded with the eclipse the week before) and that will add to an inspired mood.
Be social, be curious, get out there and enjoy the ability to explore, should the mood take you.

(All times in UT Universal time. The word ‘perfects’ means ‘to bring to full development’)

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Daily Horoscope Monday 13 August

Mars retrograde re-enters Capricorn (until September 10th; Retrograde lasts until August 28th)

Mars the planet of action and assertion now moves back into practical and conservative Capricorn after a couple of months of a slow reverse in humanitarian and logical Aquarius.
A Mars retrograde makes it far too easy for everyone to get worked up, because energy is naturally trying to be expressed but it’s going nowhere fast, so a bit of a pressure cooker situation is created.
Whilst Mars has been in Aquarius then the future has been intellectualized, and matters such as humanity’s overall progress have been actively debated.
Several obvious issues would have come up in your life to be dealt with, and the overall sense of ‘I should have done this before now’ has been hanging strong in the air.
But now Mars goes back into disciplined and persevering Capricorn, which reshapes the goals again to give them more structure and form.
Mars is happily exalted in Capricorn, so the issues raised by the efforts of the last two months can now be worked on.
This returning to Capricorn phase now helps you to ‘plan your work and work your plan’.
Essentially it’s time to start to prepare the way for August 28th when Mars moves direct again.
Collectively that will be a huge movement and a renewed ‘get go’ to reach targets and goals.
Many things will soon flow better and it’ll be easier to get things done.
So take this Mars in Capricorn to apply personal wisdom to your achievements, use self-control so whatever has happened and know that whatever it is you are pushing for will be able to manifest with success and elevate your status from August 28th.

In the news look out for:

A realistic reorganisation from government in preparation for the return to Parliament in September. The last few months of Mars in Aquarius showed that radical change of many policies is urgently required in order to regain the confidence of the electorate.

The Lesson:

The Mars retrograde of the last couple of months means new plans backfire and lose their momentum, or fail to get off the ground at all. I wonder whether politicians ever think of the story of Robert the Bruce and the spider: “If at first you don’t succeed, then try, try again”. At this stage, that story applies to both the Leavers and the Remainers.

Aries: You’ve been frustrated about your career and professional direction since June but now your efforts can be reapplied to stake out success and a form of leadership.

Taurus: You’ve been asserting your worldly point of view and learned opinion since June, but found yourself having to revise any argumentative situations. Now you can prepare to stride forward again to win.

Gemini: You’ve been frustrated at a partner’s fiscal and financial resources since June, especially around contracts, but now a revised effort starts to generate the cash flow again.

Cancer: You’ve been revising the role of a partner in your life since June and challenged by their assertive and dominant qualities; now you’re ready to move forwards into taking action together.

Leo: Your daily duties, tasks and work schedule finally starts to get back on track! You’ve probably felt like you were dragging your heels since June. Reassert your dedication to health and fitness.

Virgo: You start to feel an urge towards getting more creative again. There may have been projects you’ve kept on the backburner since June and now you can start to revitalize them.

Libra: You’ve wanted to express any frustrations about home life since June and now the urge and assertive force you’ve been wanting comes through with clarity. Take command and be a leader.

Scorpio: You’ve felt argumentative with people close to you since June yet unable to get what you really wanted to say out, but now the ability to speak assertively comes back, so be careful with it.

Sagittarius: Money making schemes have been delayed since June but now you get the chance to start up again with more vigor and determination to win than before. Victory is in your sights at last.

Capricorn: Expressing your individuality and uniqueness has gotten you frustrated and even angry since June but now the sparks ignite the new you and a revised force comes back into play.

Aquarius: You’ve been planning behind the scenes since June; most of which have been abandoned but now a revised effort begins to take shape which could provide you with a worthy project.

Pisces: You’ve wanted to assert yourself and take command of a group since June, but repeatedly found your efforts delayed. Now the time is right to put your plans into action again.

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Daily Horoscope Tuesday 14 August

Sun in Leo in Parallel with Mercury in Leo (building all day Tuesday & Wednesday)

The Sun, planet of identity aligns in an uncommon aspect with Mercury the planet of speech. This indicates you have a better idea of describing your sense of selfhood. As Mercury is still going backwards in Leo you have to reviewing and revising the parts of your personality that are associated with dignity and confidence. A typical and natural Leo urge to be self-centered will be obvious to many.

In the news look out for:

From an astrological point of view, there’s a correlation to be found between the Boris Johnson Burka article blowing up and the out-of-control wildfires, both of which were triggered by the eclipses in Leo. In a way both stories are tearing through [a political party] and [nature], uncontrollably heating and burning up whatever they come across, be it political opinions or the forest.
This parallel between the planets in Leo shows that it’s not over yet, so expect someone else in the limelight, noticed by the public, saying something courageous or dramatic, that will harness the situation so that things can be better organised. In as much as loyalty to a cause is expected, there may also be overbearing or forceful qualities noticed because of an inability to let go, for example.

The Lesson:

All it takes is one stray spark to ignite everything else.

Aries: Communications with or thoughts based around children (if you have any) could have been rather misleading recently; your personal wisdom and authority can bring light to the situation and begin to create a solution.

Taurus: You’ve been thinking abstractly about home and family life recently, which threw a spanner in the smooth running of things. Reconsider earlier statements and formulate a new direction that gives everyone room to move.

Gemini: The impression you make on others as you relate to your environment has been rather chaotic recently; a clearer direction to follow and organize yourself around begins to appear.

Cancer: There’s been a lot of hot air blowing around what you can and cannot earn recently; finally an inkling of what’s possible comes to light; hopefully it’s something realistic you’ve been expecting.

Leo: You’ve had to appear to have two different approaches recently in order to appear more flexible; you can let the stronger of the two now begin to dominate, though keeping silence is the best option.

Virgo: A secret that’s been churning away in the background starts to burn a hole almost demanding to be talked about. But as you’ve realised by now, keeping quiet will prevent you from self-undoing.

Libra: Of all the future possibilities you’ve been thinking about, one now grows larger than the others, indicating that you might soon want to tell your friends about it, though not quite yet.

Scorpio: You’ve been considering several different ways to take your career recently and one option seems to fit better than the others from this point forward. It’s not time to make a final decision though yet.

Sagittarius: You’ve been thinking about a holiday to broaden your horizon that’s practical as well as fun yet not been able to make up your mind until today. It’s not time to book the ticket yet though.

Capricorn: Thoughts around money have caused plenty of highs and lows recently, and now you can start to see the source of those issues more clearly. It’s all down to making the right adjustments.

Aquarius: Saying the right things to your partner recently might have found you wanting to retract what was originally spoken. Now you start to formulate the winning formula in your head that’ll help your words sound beautiful.

Pisces: Misdirected communications at work recently left you in a lurch and unable to freely express. The true source of the problem now comes to light although it’s not the right time to talk about it yet.

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Daily Horoscope Wednesday 15 August

Venus in Libra semi-Quintile Jupiter in Scorpio (builds on Wednesday, perfects 06:56am Thursday)

Whenever Venus and Jupiter meet there tends to be a pleasant outcome or result to look forward to. This can be particularly expected as Venus is currently in her own sign of rulership, Libra. So this indicates how a partnership will improve and benefit both parties.

Jupiter is in Scorpio, diving deep into seeking the best of the treasures found deep below the surface. As Scorpio is associated to money, resources and investments (banking), then when Venus meets the bounteous provider of Scorpio, an expansive situation holds opportunity and promise.
The matching together of a couple of people, or teams, promises a creatively beneficial result.
This is the time that indicates a creative merger is very possible, in which both sides are listened to.

In the news look out for:

Favourable business mergers, improved relationships and ‘making-up’ between couples.
The further empowerment of women, balancing out relationships.
A smart investment strategy that considers both sides.
A legal revelation into previously held secrets, that continues to rebalance the scales of Libra.

The Lesson:

Considering and valuing the contributions made by everyone helps to generate a win/win situation.

Aries:Your partner is more generous than you expected, and reveals a larger amount than you previously expected. Using and sharing the resources together is pleasurable and fun.

Taurus: Your partner has been looking for someone who they like to work with, so that they can grow, and now the right person appears into their life. You also like the job offered, and the employee too.

Gemini: Your good nature makes the job that you’re growing into more fun to do. After all, it’s got to have a creative feel to it, otherwise it won’t be so much fun, and you’d be off to find something else.

Cancer: The love of your home turf and family foundation helps you to be more expressive and take opportunity to enjoy the fun and games.

Leo: Learning how to balance out your thinking and what you say to your local environment and to the family, helps you to grow in popularity with those close to you.

Virgo: By growing into your local neighbourhood and environment, you are being valued in an improved way. This works well for you and helps you to feel better about yourself.

Libra: It’s a natural win/win when you can present your ability to charm and attract others with what you do. Your personal wherewithal is improved and grows in value. You are worth something precious to others.

Scorpio: A secret love or a fancy helps you to present yourself in an expanded and more opportunistic fashion. By keeping certain attractions hidden, your enigmatic approach gets mysteriously more charismatic.

Sagittarius: Improving relationships with a friend or a group shows you how you can grow behind the scenes. Learning about your unconscious helps you understand that there are good things yet to manifest.

Capricorn: How you are seen by the boss or at work is improved when you get creative with future plans and opportunities. There’s a big world to expand into and associates help you.

Aquarius: A friendly and fanciful connection from abroad (or at a long distance) is able to help you with your vocation or career. Increased opportunity is always welcome.

Pisces: Careful evaluation of shared resources is helped and improved by a long distance teacher; your desire to travel and change a lot with partners takes a further step towards manifestation.

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Daily Horoscope Thursday 16 August

Jupiter in Scorpio trines Neptune in Pisces (builds all week, perfects 07:44am Sunday 19th)

These two slow moving ‘outer’ planets making a harmonious aspect is one of the major themes of 2018. Generally speaking this indicates good feelings all round and an enhanced empathy and compassion.
Jupiter is in Scorpio, an emotional magnetic and demanding sign, and Neptune is in Pisces, a charitable and idealistic sign which is impressionable and helpful.
Both Scorpio and Pisces are water signs which means they are very receptive and feelings-oriented.
Our attention has been drawn to the environment of the changing oceans this year, with a call for change as the truth is revealed. This week more powerful understandings will be learnt about as healing is required.
Also this aspect indicates the challenges and complexities of a trade war by Donald Trump. He is increasing trades and tariffs on goods with different countries that already have very tentative infrastructures, and ignoring sensitive boundaries can create much larger ripples than originally intended.

In the news look out for:

A compassionate call from nature to humanity’s attitude towards life on earth
Waves of change (in water as well as land)
Learning about water and its properties
A lesson in compassion finding those who had been lost and forgotten
Mystical occurrences and spiritual unions ‘from the other side’
Religious martyrdom

The Lesson:

Understanding how everyone must feel goes a long way in making suitable and more positive changes.

Aries:You’re flowing into psychic realms and picking up all sorts of material which you’re trying to filter into a creative cohesiveness. Deep family and ancestral stuff is resurfacing after many years. Be good to yourself.

Taurus: Friends and your social group is where you’ll be getting good strong growth indications especially if a partner continues to remain elusive and even ‘invisible’. You can get a lot from planning the future now.

Gemini: Take the opportunity to grow into the ever expanding career even if the hours and timings are chaotic and irregular you’ll still get an interesting life directions development and possible directions to follow.

Cancer: The love is growing and expanding for a long distance connection and you feel its time to get to those points on the compass. If children are involved it’s the feeling there’s so much to learn from them.

Leo: So you’ve wanted to make some changes and now it’s happening: an old ending, a new beginning from utilizing what was a slippery home footing and chaos you’ve discovered a whole new raft of feelings.

Virgo: You’re learning about relationships in quite profound ways that instead of talking about, you can feel your way through them. It’s like a deeper intuition is passing the messages between you. How interesting.

Libra: Discovering ways of working that you hadn’t considered before is quite a useful revelation especially if the old way of being paid and earning has changed into something different, more fluid and flexible.

Scorpio: Someone or a pleasant pastime has turned you into a wonderful expression of heart centered love and you should be on top form as you indulge in good times. Remember you’re still you at the end of the day.

Sagittarius: The feeling to expand and grow your home is fueled by boundless visions of what things could be like. Although greatly inspired you are also keeping to a sensible structure.

Capricorn: Friends, siblings or people close are teaching you how to visualize the future and what’s possible; this is especially potent if you’ve always felt like you’re stuck and unable to get anywhere. Expand good ideas.

Aquarius: What has seemed like a dream or a vision of a perfect career or profession has recently started to become more real and possible, now showing you increased wealth and financial resources. Yes to everything?

Pisces: Opportunities to grow into yourself with the visionary flow of a belief system or maybe the dreams of a traveller see you take stock of your good feelings at the moment. Make the most of now.

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Daily Horoscope Friday 17 August

Sun in Leo Bi-Quintile Pluto in Capricorn (builds all day & perfects at 04:21am Saturday)

This is about feeling confident in yourself and ready to deal with whatever the world throws at you. You can and will survive, and your resulting growth of power is noticeable (yet subtle).

In the news look out for:

The overcoming of a disaster.
A creative role really does change everything that’s old and out dated.
Self-centered awareness is powerful, especially when used to benefit many instead of just one.

Aries:A disciplined lifestyle can actually be fun when you are fit and healthy and always ready for action. There are many ways to work out, in and out of the bedroom.

Taurus: Your current project’s success can be linked to a deep need that stretches way back into the past. Get to the root of the issue and exorcise those demons, moving on to creative new things.

Gemini: Precisely worded thoughts will hit the mark and get to the bulls eye issue of what you’ve always wanted to say but been afraid to let go. Deliver it with grace and your family might finally get it.

Cancer: Keep an open channel for communication and your money issues. A deep insight could change the way you’ve been handling your budget.

Leo: Focus on unifying your image and personal net worth, and you’ll be become an all empowering force to deal with! It’s always more comfortable for you to sit in the captain’s chair.

Virgo: Diving deep into your unconscious to clear the unnecessary stuff helps define how you want to do things in the future. It’s time to put your best image forward and meet the world in a new way.

Libra: Overpowering or meddling people who have been getting too close can make you’ve been attacked by space invaders. Time to lay out some boundaries whilst keeping friendly and calm.

Scorpio: You’re being faced with lessons about friendships and how to connect to those close to you. A certain someone has helped you along the way, show your appreciation with a nice gesture or compliment.

Sagittarius: In order to face the world and present your new role in life, you’ll need to back it up with authority. Be confident and remember what you’ve learned and you’ll go places.

Capricorn: What you say and how you deliver the message is important. Now you have the ability to open closed minds with your unique viewpoint.

Aquarius: If you’re wishing your partner would show you how much they care and appreciate your value in a relationship, it may be time for a gentle reminder that it takes two to tango.

Pisces: Keep your partnerships burning brightly by energising yourself with a healthy routine. A workout buddy or hot new relationship can motivate you to stop being a couch potato.

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Daily Horoscope Saturday 18 August

First Quarter Moon: Sun in Leo Squares Moon in Scorpio (at 07:49am, lasts two days)

It’s been one week since the New Moon eclipse in Leo, and the seed that was planted is now sprouting and becoming something consciously recognised.
So this is a time to take action, and begin to recognise the growth you are going to get out of this lunar cycle.
Once you recognise the energy created (Leo style, so it’s a vital and creative essence) you can begin to give it form.
As the Moon is making the first quarter square from Scorpio, then using deep resourcefulness to enact a type of self-transformation should be self-evident.
This eclipse has qualities of self-realization around it along with a natural urge to shine.
This next couple of days is when you realize from deep within that you are here to create new structures out of the old.
A friendly shake up of the status quo never did anyone any harm; people can turn to you for your pioneering ideas and vitality.

In the news look out for:

A central, showy, dramatic figure making even more of a scene than usual.
A well-known person trying to clear some space around them because of changes soon to happen.
The notion of taking action in order to do some kind of clearing.
“Seizing the moment” because if it isn’t taken now, when will it be taken?

The Lesson:

The expression of courage, energy and desire is all important to sustain and hold tight.

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Daily Horoscope Sunday 19 August

Mercury in Leo Stations direct (04:24am)

After three weeks of retrograde, Mercury starts to move forward again.
Everyone’s been feeling that their normal flow of on-going activities have been interfered with or disrupted, and as well as the eclipses happening at the time, there has been much self (Leo) –imposed chaos through perceived setbacks or delays.
Thankfully now it’s possible to express opinions with confidence again.
Look out for information to be expressed with colour and drama, especially as one particular message comes through that was previously delayed.
Now you can start to work with your ideas again, get them all organised, ready for a confident demonstration or showing.

In the news look out for:

A bluffer who says “I thought you knew all that already!”
Someone who is too proud to admit the truth of the matter.

Aries: You’ve had time to correct and modify how you communicate in matters of love and creativity; now it’s time to integrate a decision into your all powerful new approach to the word.

Taurus: You’ve had time to re-evaluate and re-consider matters about home life and now it’s time to make a decision that helpfully links the changes you’re making behind the scenes.

Gemini: You’ve been through a phase of introspection in terms of mental activities; now it’s time to make a decision on how to integrate those revisions into your all round plans and objectives.

Cancer: You’ve been going over previously held ideas about making resources and financial wherewithal, and now you’re ready to gain again and reclaim power.

Leo: You’ve been through some corrections and modifications in how you would represent yourself and now you’re ready to align with the authoritative role you’re transforming into.

Virgo: You’ve had time to evaluate and reconsider your secrets and inner world and are now ready to make some powerful changes, if need be.

Libra: You’ve had time to constructively re-appraise a group of friends, and now you’re ready to relate to them differently as a result.

Scorpio: You’ve had time to think about career direction and what needed correcting and modifying, now it’s time to turn on your work obsession button and change your life around.

Sagittarius: You’ve had time to think about broadening your horizons and viewpoint and now it’s time to transform your creative wishes.

Capricorn: You’ve gone back over previously held concepts about shared resources and now it’s time to take stock of the situation and make those important deep personal changes.

Aquarius: You had time to go over any unresolved matters to do with a partner and now it’s time to change the way you think and your own style of deep self-analysis.

Pisces: You’ve had time to think about the various jobs you are doing, and whether all of them work for you; now it’s time to make decisions about what holds the most value and power.

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I hope you enjoy your daily & weekly horoscopes: The Weekly Stars Forecast

I would like to suggest you ask me for a personal reading of your natal horoscope; in person, on the telephone or Skype.

I will answer all your questions especially on career, love, relationships, health and money.

Visit the ‘Astrology Readings’ page on my website www.londonastrologer.co.uk or email me via the contact form.

Please share this weekly stars forecast with other astrology enthusiasts.

with all good wishes,


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