Julian Venables the London Astrologer hopes you are enjoying the Weekly Almanac in the new Horoscope format for the modern age. The Weekly Almanac presents you with dynamic planetary energies that you will see in your own life, as well as in the world around you. This is the sort of astrology that everyone can find useful. Predictions are more accurate and your personal astrology insights also become more available to you.
This week there are some powerful planetary alignments to use. Julian the London astrologer would like to encourage you to BOOK A READING! while the Summer Discount is on!


Friday 10 September
Venus enters Scorpio (until 6th October)

Venus is the planet of relationships and love, also the planet of self-esteem and self-worth. When Venus is in Scorpio, it is very heated emotionally because Scorpio is aligned with the sign of Mars, a hot and dry planet.
So, Venus becomes a planet of deep passion that can be highly emotional, experiencing intensity through sensual and unforgettable passionate entanglements.
When Venus is in Scorpio partners might relate via a deep mental probe into each others feelings and motives. Exposure of what is seen can be cruel, manipulations and obsessions can be developed.
However, Venus in Scorpio champions unfathomable passions which are unleashed. This is raw emotional power at its best.
It might be wise to remember to approach life with some reserved expression and avoid showing passionate feelings or too much sensitivity.
Scorpio is a defensive sign, stable, stubborn and persevering: with Venus in this position, emotions become a central focus; protect them and contain them in order to use this sign energy at its best.


Saturday 11 September
Jupiter aligns to Pluto

This is a slower alignment between Jupiter the planet of luck, growth and expansion and Pluto the planet of vast wealth and resources. An aspect that deals with the attraction of resources which need further development. If you recognise a productive set of material resources you have already created or started, you can now manifest something through concrete application. Those good and innovative ideas need to be nurtured with consistent attention; this will create a good outcome in the long run. It might seem like there are mildly frictional energies that require exertion and determination, but that tension is actually beneficial as it gets things moving.

Tuesday 14 September
Sun in opposition to Neptune

This is one of those days where there can be confusion and uncertainty; You might be very aware of sensitivity, but the sensitivity can lead to confusion so be wary that there’s not much energy for being self-assertive and it might be easier to avoid confrontation and withdraw to avoid any difficulties.

It might be that something leads you to surrender or to let go to another person and there can be deception or difficulties in arrangements therefore not a good time to negotiate because you might not be clear enough about your own needs.

Relationships can also be challenging at this time because it’s difficult to understand the other person but overall, what the best thing to do today is to enjoy a spirituality or a depth of feeling that is in fact quite magnificent by having great sympathy and understanding you can go to new levels of soul union.

Mars enters Libra (until 30th October)

Mars is a fiery planet and in Libra it is going into an air sign this is now a time where goals can be achieved by using charm and friendliness. A clever strategist is the one who considers the other persons moves.

There may be a lack of willingness to engage in conflict, but strength comes through diplomacy instead.

Plans might not move forwards, but a balance is achieved, things can turn into a half-hearted expression.

Compromising is the key to everything, and Mars is energy is turned into something that is not direct.

When Mars is in Libra it doesn’t like to hurt anybody else if there’s a fuse blowing it’s all about being ice cold but done in style.


Contact Julian Venables, London Astrologer

Astrology is the original and the best form of Life Coaching, Psychotherapy, Counselling and Therapy. Book a reading with Julian Venables to get the depth & type of therapy consultation in London. 

* The orb of influence between two planets is active for 2 days before & 1 day after*

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