Your Weekly Almanac 6th to 11th October 2021

  Wednesday 6 October New Moon:ย  Moon and Sun together in Libra At the new moon each month, a new beginning occurs when the two luminaries, sun, and moon, conjoin together to plant a seed. At first the seed is underground and canโ€™t be seen but sure enough within seven days, you will become conscious […]

Your Weekly Almanac 22nd to 28th September 2021

  Wednesday 22 September Sun enters Libra โ€“ the Autumn Equinox The Sun changes zodiac sign into the first month of Autumn today, Libra the scales. In terms of the cycle of the year, Libra is what happens after the harvest time of Virgo. The scales of Libra are for ascertaining the value, weight, and […]

Weekly Almanac Blog for September 6th-14th 2021

INTRODUCTION Julian Venables the London Astrologer hopes you are enjoying the Weekly Almanac in the new Horoscope format for the modern age. The Weekly Almanac presents you with dynamic planetary energies that you will see in your own life, as well as in the world around you. This is the sort of astrology that everyone […]