free daily horoscopes star sign zodiac

The Lunar overview of the week ahead

This week the Moon is gaining in light at the First Quarter phase, growing and filling with its reflective radiance up to the full moon (due on Monday 24th/Tuesday 25th).

As a overall guideline for this week, actively get involved in making something happen; be helpful and of service.

You know what it is you want to do, and making others aware of your ideas is strongly recommended.

This week is the end of summer season.

From our perspective in the UK, the Sun is now hovering over the equator far south.

It will gradually move even further south towards the tropic of Capricorn, and the shortest day of the year in three months time.

The harvest of Virgo will now be weighed and measured by the Scales of Libra.

As this balancing time of year begins, so will a sense of fair justice occur in certain areas of life and in world matters.

Monday(the day of the Moon)

Early on Monday the Moon is still in Sagittarius, encouraging optimistic reactions towards the day.

Then the Moon enters Capricorn at 11:07 am, which changes the mood to the practical; the grounded and sober can get more done with their time.

From around 1pm-3pm the Moon makes a mild aspect to Mars followed by a harmonious link to Uranus.

This will most likely be the trigger of the Mars/Uranus square(see below) that has been building up for several days.

Be aware and look out for it (especially in the news).

At around 4pm the moon conjuncts Saturn which will make for serious and limiting feelings. A committed and responsible response?

Just after 20:30 the Moon aligns with Jupiter, which can expand a deep feeling.

Monday closes with a nice Moon alignment to Venus just after 22:00, reassurance and a cuddle is always welcomed (and needed) when these two planets connect.

Tuesday(Mardi, the day of Mars)

From 3pm – 5pm the moon makes a useful alignment to Neptune, which will be a good time for imaginative visualization, with a practical application.

Tuesday night/ Wednesday morning the Moon connects to the Jupiter/Pluto alignment; feelings are positively powerful, although this happens in the middle of the night in London, and so is likely to be more consciously noticed and acted upon in other parts of the world!

Wednesday(Mercredi, the day of Mercury)

From around 12noon to 2:30pm the Moon is making a useful and flowing alignment to Mercury. This makes for a superb afternoon, as it is also the Day of Mercury.

This is followed by the Moon also harmoniously aligning to the Sun from 3pm to just after 5pm.

Be sure to make the most of this day, especially in communications, writing and speaking.

Thursday(Jeudi, the day of Jupiter)

Today the Moon is in Aquarius, tending to make reactions and responses friendly and cool.

The Moon aligns twice in the day with Venus, just after 9 am and again at 1:45 pm.

This makes the day hold potential for a general cheerful disposition and affectionate nature, particularly towards groups and associates.

Friday(Vendredi, the day of Venus)

Today the Moon is still in Aquarius, with its biggest alignment happening just after 5 pm when it connects to Jupiter.

This is likely to air any discontent and opportunities to express feelings will be obvious and done in a bigger-then-usual manner.

Saturday(the day of Saturn)

Just before 12:30 lunchtime the moon changes sign into Pisces, providing for a relaxing, drifting and calm weekend.

The afternoon from 3 pm to 6pm is good time to contemplate the practical moves forward you’ve made in the last few days, and dream about the potential for a what will happen next, as the Moon aligns with both Uranus and Saturn in Earth signs. A bit of gardening could help set the reflective mood.

Sunday(the day of the Sun)

On Sunday afternoon the chill and relax factor will be large as the Moon meets Neptune in Pisces. Let your highest idealism and spiritual vision take over for a few hours. Just remember to write down the inspiration!

(All times in UT Universal time. The word ‘perfects’ means ‘to bring to full development’)

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Daily Horoscope Monday 17 September

Mars in Aquarius square Uranus in Taurus(builds all day Monday & perfects on Tuesday at 23:00)

Mars planet of competition and drive is gradually lining up to make a tense alignment to Uranus planet of awakening and disruption. Some kind of alternative/progressive/evolved leader is pushing their agenda quite forcefully and may spring some kind of surprise.

What to look out for:
– an urge for freedom or independence
– the inability to be subdued
– argumentative disposition
– an inclination to contradict others
– strong emotional tensions
– a lack of balance

The best things to do [with this moment in time]:
– quick determination
– A sudden application of effort
– courage
– handle matters in an ingenious way
– take a different approach

The things to avoid [with this moment in time]:
– haste or premature action
– self-willed obstinacy
– intolerance
– the proneness of injuries or accidents
– tension or nervousness

Your Sun sign today:

Aries:You identify with your friends today but be careful who you invest a lot of time into. Someone a bit unusual or eccentric will expect a lot of attention, is it really worth your time?

Taurus:You’re eclectic and original personality traits rub up against the convention of what people in your career or public life would agree with. Try to tone down outbursts and keep things conservative.

Gemini:A political conversation about a meaningful topic may cause you resentment or an unpredictable need to retreat or get away. If someone is agitating you its best to keep things under wraps.

Cancer:You may feel like the black sheep today as people in your crowd see a different side of you. Try not to get too personal with an attack or you could find yourself the odd man out.

Leo:A partnership is causing you tension and egging you on towards conflict. Don’t allow your frustration to spill over into the workplace. Instead try to come to an agreement.

Virgo:If you’re feeling overwhelmed by the amount of work you’ve got to do in your daily routines suddenly running away seems like an attractive option. Don’t forget your commitments!

Libra:A desire for freedom and fun stirs up some heavy emotions. You feel the need for regeneration and are attracted to unusual ways to liven up your life.

Scorpio:Family issues include buried feelings and they’re stirring up problems in relationship. If you need a little space make time for yourself instead of getting involved in an explosive argument.

Sagittarius:Boredom with a humdrum routine has you thinking about how to make drastic changes; try not to come across as angry when you communicate about what you want to do.

Capricorn:You’re motivated by a desire to earn more and have more security in your life. But there’s a side to you that really wants to be different. Have fun and be creative in a unique and playful way.

Aquarius:Shake-ups at home have you feeling insecure and rebellious; you want to assert your independence and break free from responsibilities holding you back.

Pisces:Be careful what you say today for you may let loose a secret that should’ve stayed buried. You want to get it all off your chest however it’s best to take time to think things through clearly.

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Daily Horoscope Tuesday 18 September

Sun in Virgo quintile Uranus in Taurus(builds all day & perfects at 20:30)

A subtle alignment occurs between the Sun (planet of the self) and Uranus (the planet of awakening and eccentric genius). This brings a creative solution to what might have been perceived as a problem.

What to look out for:
– an excitement to show something
– the manifestation of originality
– a bit of practical magic
– an analyst’s talent
– a clever persuasiveness
– a logical solution to a creative problem

The best things to do [with this moment in time]:
– be ingenious and display your talent
– concentrate upon an objective
– strive for reforms
– get away with something
– acknowledge the innovator or reformer, else they become the rebel.

The things to avoid [with this moment in time]:
– obstinacy
– impatience
– quirky restlessness
– a lack of logic
– a topsy turvy mess
– jumbled or messy

Your Sun sign today:

Aries:The daily routine and an awareness of the people you have to work with, or who work for you, shifts a bit when you recognize that you can value them differently. Your own self-worth is important too.

Taurus:Seeking more pleasure and fun, as well as enjoying a more creative and playful approach, is best achieved by approaching others in a new light. Why don’t you change to fit with the zeitgeist?

Gemini:Being conscious of all that goes on at home and amongst the family sees you have a new awareness of hidden and unconscious matters that are kept behind the scenes.

Cancer:There is a perfectly good way to explain to a friend how your plans for the future have changed. A little dash of cuteness never goes amiss, whilst being practical of course.

Leo:Your own self-valuing and self-worth ensures that you can be persuasive to the influential people, so that your awakening to the public sphere becomes a creative leap.

Virgo:You have to present your talent and abilities when you start something off, because you believe in the bigger picture and are prepared to put your faith in someone new.

Libra:Behind closed doors there’s a small crisis that needs to be settled, but it’s through persuasiveness and understanding each other that the solution is settled on, in a practical way.

Scorpio:Being aware of the long term objectives and future plans means the rather strange rebel can be placated with a suitable solution. A creative leap makes all parties involved click together.

Sagittarius:Your awareness of how very useful you are at work is given even more alignment because of your unique talents and abilities. You could change your routine now because you’re restless.

Capricorn:There’s clearly a lot to learn and understand about how the other person clicks; and some refinement will ensure you enjoy the process. After all they really are rather cute and persuasive.

Aquarius:You are aware the new talent that will synthesize many areas, yet as the change is made, others will need consolation. Deep down you welcome a bit of progressive change, it’s what makes the world go round.

Pisces:You are ready to forge a new partnership as you feel for this significant other, who you sense wants to help. Speaking aside, you can say what you like that’ll inspire them onwards to make suitable changes.

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Daily Horoscope Wednesday 19 September

Mercury in Virgo quintile Uranus in Taurus(builds all day & perfects at 21:05)

Mercury the planet of decisions and agreements makes an easy creative leap across to Uranus with the progressive and evolved concept. Once detailed analysis is done, the concept will be valued in an interesting new way. An overall understanding and alignment of motivations makes for a very interesting day.

What to look out for:
– inventive thinking
– intellectual flexibility
– an independent speaker
– someone good with numbers, technique or physics and rhythm.
– sudden cognition or perception

The best things to do [with this moment in time]:
– allow for the new concept or idea to settle in
– be influential and persuasive
– present a new invention
– be astute and intuitive
– be quick off the mark
– be quick on the uptake

The things to avoid [with this moment in time]:
– timid communications
– self deprecation
– being petty, picky or narrow
– turning something trivial

Your Sun sign today:

Aries:There are some precise instructions you have to impart because it’s your possessions or ownership that is changing. People want to be helpful and the agreement shows you understand each other.

Taurus:A creative leap into the world of games and play is done cautiously for you, but with everything changing the way it is, you can’t help but go with the flow. Make it a fun and productive thing to do.

Gemini:You have to talk to family members to ensure you’re getting the facts right, because there’s a quirky restlessness from behind the scenes to explore. You know you have the inherent talent and abilities.

Cancer:A conversation that has a marked improvement through analysis helps the erratic and unreliable friend make a creative leap. Your persuasiveness is rather clever.

Leo:As you talk about your values and state your own sense of self-worth, you persuasiveness brings a creative solution in your career.

Virgo:In being yourself you have to present yourself in the best light possible, and by talking in an efficient and sensible manner, you can introduce the new concepts and ideas that change the bigger picture.

Libra:A few whispered or quietly spoken secrets helps to change the overall value system of significant other so that new talent and quirky synthesis can be integrated, and the positive solution found.

Scorpio:A group of friends or associates are all listening to the surprising new concepts. You can add a bit of extra insight that ensures the creative leap is made and the new person can be related to successfully.

Sagittarius:A new idea at work will be listened to by the boss and they are persuaded to give you more freedom than you had previously in your regular routines.

Capricorn:A teacher or a learned person with analytical insights shows you how your creative talent can be positively synthesized. You never thought it would be that easy, but surprisingly, it is.

Aquarius:There’s the potential for some tension that will only be made worse by worrying or nit-picking. You already know the creative solution, and deep down you have the talent and ability to persuade otherwise.

Pisces:A partner’s got some fresh and interesting ideas that they are trying to get across to you; it’s all a bit restless even though you know their talent and ability, so listen in and allow for exciting changes.

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Daily Horoscope Thursday 20 September

Venus in Scorpio quintile Pluto in Capricorn(perfects at 11:20)

Venus planet of attraction and values aligns with Pluto the planet of power which indicates a situation in which money is earned or rewarded for talent and ability that is innovative. An ingenious and creative solution to a problem makes it a valued object.

What to look out for:
– a desire for sensual pleasure
– an extraordinary power of attraction
– procreative power
– special artistic gift
– inner compulsion
– loyalty for tradition
– a regenerating or healing ability

The best things to do [with this moment in time]:
– express magnetic compulsion (love)
– be deeply creative
– be chaste
– puritanical, virtuous and upright
– stick with principles
– forgiveness

The things to avoid [with this moment in time]:
– intemperate abandonment
– extravagance or wastefulness
– being debauched or debased
– wantonness
– malice or malevolence

Your Sun sign today:

Aries:A relating crisis which needed to be changed now has a suitable way of being promoted or projected into the world. The resources are far better valued as a result.

Taurus: A charming and pleasant partner who has deeply transformation creativity shows how to change a belief system in an easy way. The admirable talent shows a positive synthesis between people.

Gemini:Someone who works for you or with you shows creative ability and talent that can hypnotically magnetize more powerful resources and investments.

Cancer:The fun and creatively expressive part of you is acted out in a persuasive manner and magnetically attracts and old partner or significant other. The creative leap you make clicks back on the love switch.

Leo:From the depth s of your emotional nature and powerful awakening stirs your ability to dedicate yourself to a routine and daily task that will help you to be influential, creative and ingenious.

Virgo:A charmed conversation shows you how cute you can be, and drives you to show how creative you can be in love, particularly when you are attracted and compelled to make a creative leap.

Libra:So that balance and harmony can be kept in place, you get a feeling that something needs to be valued properly; this especially in family and home based matters, which continue to compel and influence you.

Scorpio:Present yourself in such a way to ensure that your most beautiful side is shown; your words are creative and ingenious and you can get away with anything because of your talent.

Sagittarius:You have attractions in secret that have to be kept behind closed doors, or clandestine. Because of the way you value yourself you have to find the creative solution to this problem.

Capricorn:A friend, associate or group needs your persuasiveness, because a bit of control helps to manifest the long term objectives and hopes and wishes of all.

Aquarius:You feel attracted to someone and are driven to show this because of a quirky restlessness that lies in the hidden depths; this is a good way to solve a creative problem and prepare for total change later on.

Pisces:A friendly connection shows how well they can do things and is persuasive enough to make you want to change your long term objectives and future plans. You like a ingeniously powerful person.

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Daily Horoscope Friday 21 September

Sun in Virgo conjuncts Mercury in Virgo(at 01:50am; in effect all day Friday)

As quick and speedy Mercury conjoins and passes the Sun, so you will have new ideas and new concepts bought into focus. An idea that is quite simply logical starts to be integrated. Its purity is in its straightforward cleverness.

What to look out for:
– young people with an opinion
– intellectual workers
– successful business people
– an obliging and helpful person
– the use of common sense
– a health conscious attitude

The best things to do [with this moment in time]:
– have a clear mind
– practical thinking
– be conscious of an objective
– keep busy
– understand how it all works

The things to avoid [with this moment in time]:
– overwork
– nervousness
– perpetual dissatisfaction
– slavish submission
– ingratiation

Your Sun sign today:

Aries:Work, diet and health are linked together, so keep organized and make plans for the next couple of months. Now you can improve efficient communication amongst co-workers or employees.

Taurus: A romantic notion or a creative project has been clearly in focus and today is time to decide where it’s going and the plans you have to develop it further.

Gemini:You’ve been particularly conscious of home and domestic activities and now it’s a good time to decide how that’s going to continue to grow and develop.

Cancer:You’ve been very aware of local transport issues and getting around from A to B and now it’s time to decide how you want to pursue that option further.

Leo:You’ve been focusing and conscious of a money issue and now it’s time to make a decision about how to pull your earnings and resources together more cohesively.

Virgo:You’ve been keen to present yourself differently and today gives you an opportunity to clearly state and talk about your plans as an individual.

Libra:You’ve been conscious and focusing on certain secrets and things best concealed and today is now a good time to decide how to keep your inner world in its place.

Scorpio:You’ve been focusing and conscious of being coolly detached in a social situation; you’ve got a collective goal in mind and today is the time to decide how to pursue it.

Sagittarius:Your career and life direction has been a focus point and at the same time a challenge; today is a good time to decide upon your next moves and plans.

Capricorn:You’ve gone further than usual in a new kind of quest and it’s enlivened your consciousness and changed your perception; now you can make a decision as to where to travel to next.

Aquarius:You’ve been focusing on sharing various slices of a pie and now it’s time to make a decision as to the next transformative phase. Change means adapting to everything else.

Pisces:Use today as a jumping off point in your communication with a significant other. Find the time to say what you feel is important and the next couple of months will be good.

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Daily Horoscope Saturday 22 September

Mercury enters Libra(at 03:40 am; until October 9th)

Mercury planet of ideas and decisions changes sign into fair and well balanced Libra. Conversations and discussions will begin to revolve around harmony and balance, with a view toward justice and fairness on both sides.

What to look out for [from now to October 9]:
– teamwork
– adaptability
– a sense of justice
– good powers of comparison
– good manners
– tactful mediation

The best things to do [up to October 9]:
– enjoy a sense of form and beauty
– enjoy great conversation
– be sociable and have fun
– think about relationships and match people together.
– discuss all points of view

The things to avoid[up to October 9]:
– indecisive
– talk flirtatiously
– speak like a phony or talk dishonestly
– be shallow or avoid understanding someone or a situation
– second guess in communication

Your Sun sign today:

Aries:It’s time to talk fairly and be more balanced in any discussions with a partner; part of life’s great mission is to understand how a harmonious relationship can be decided upon.

Taurus: Decisions about work, tasks and duties are ready to be made; listening to co-workers and employees makes up an important factor in making good and well-thought out ideas and notions.

Gemini:You’re now in a phase where thinking and talking about creative project does you good; communications with your children improve remarkably; good ideas about sports and recreation are paired with success.

Cancer:You’re entering a phase where your deepest emotional feelings can be spoken about; harmony and balance in relationships, particularly with family members and at home is a challenge, but very important.

Leo:You’re entering a phase where discussions with siblings and people close to you become more important; balanced decisions need to be made and a better understanding of how you relate to them is required.

Virgo:You’re entering a phase where discussions about money, possessions and cash flow give your ideas to consider that will potentially change your value system. Talk with others (and a relationship) in mind.

Libra:You’re entering a phase where you’ll be thinking about yourself as an individual, deciding on self-presentation and the things you would say first in an opening gambit, for example.

Scorpio:You’re entering a phase where secrets from your inner world and subconscious surface and be talked about. It could be advised you don’t let anything leak but what is revealed is also inevitable.

Sagittarius:You’re entering a phase where long term plans and objectives can be aired and talked about; this has a particular emphasis around a relationship- how does it stand for the future? Discuss.

Capricorn:You’re entering a phase where career and professional plans can be talked about; challenging but necessary to open the communication channel with the boss or an authority figure, including family.

Aquarius:You’re entering a phase where connecting with another culture, or someone from abroad teaches you something useful and interesting and helps you to expand your world view, as well as relationships.

Pisces:You’re entering a phase where shared financial investments will be discussed; a partner in crisis you can listen to and give advice; decisions to look deeply into a relationship reveal interesting secrets and changes.

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Daily Horoscope Sunday 23 September

Sun enters Libra(at 01:54 am; until October 22nd)

It is Fall Equinox, the time of equal day and night. This is the change into Autumn season as the Sun planet of self-consciousness moves into the sign of Libra the zodiac sign of relationships, fairness and balance.

What to look out for [from now to October 22]:
– the relationship specialist
– doing things with others in mind
– justice
– the two sides to consider
– public spirit

The best things to do [enhanced until October 22]:
– see yourself through the mirror of ‘the other’
– enjoy love of the arts
– make important associations
– use diplomacy and tact
– show cultured good taste

The things to avoid [enhanced until October 22]:
– vanity
– a lack of firmness
– being contradictory
– wishy washy
– being unable to accept the reality
– being overly dependent

Your Sun sign today:

It’s a gradual process but at last the light shines to start to make things clearer to you and help you think about both sides before forging ahead. Now is the time to make peace and be friendly.

You start to become aware of what you can do with work; your diet and health is also highlighted; whilst you want to make changes, don’t let yourself get unnecessarily stressed.

Someone is lighting up your heart and you feel the love; you’re so much more amenable to making big changes that transform so much about how you go about enjoying your life.

Your focus shifts towards the home, family and domestic scene. Now you’ll recognize how you can make changes to relationships and life direction by what happens to your most personal feelings.

Someone close to you has something to say that shows you how your own way of thinking is completely changing. You’re clear with yourself how you must get more organized.

There’s money to spend or earn as you recognize how much you’re changing. The passion you feel is starting to get more intense, pushing you to change that attitude to money and cash flow.

Ultimately you’re a peacemaker and you’ll make sure of that whatever happens. Even though relationships and family are bringing change like you’ve never experienced, you’ll be harmonious.

You’d be at your most intuitive to keep well behind the scenes for now and wait to see what develops over the next couple of weeks. Just look after yourself and don’t get too stressed.

A friend stands out and shines like a beacon, helping you make some of the most effective changes you’ve experienced in a while. They appreciate you for being you: it’s a win-win situation.

Someone in authority stands up to you? You’re kidding me? No it’s true. Even though you’re popular, another sees you as too intense and creates waves of change. Be fair and just.

If pressure builds up then is it time for a holiday? Someone has got an important message that helps you to wake up to the enormous possibilities of change. You can learn a lot from them.

You suddenly realize what a partner does to help make revolutionary changes. You wake up to the fact that you have been intensifying power and influence amongst a group, so go ahead, use it?

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I hope you enjoy these Daily Horoscopes & a lunar forecast for the week ahead.

I am available for a personal reading of your natal horoscope; I have been an astrologer for over 25 years and have a diploma in professional astrology.

As the great 17th century astrologer William Lilly used to say “All Questions Answered” especially on career, love, relationships, health & money, as well as travel, timing and choices.

Please share this weekly stars forecast with other astrology enthusiasts.

with all good wishes,


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