Daily Horoscope Thursday 11th April 2019
Gradually lining up, the sun planet of self makes a tense, motivating alignment to Pluto planet of power.
This is most likely to manifest as a power struggle where the ego might feel hurt.
This can be avoided by being aware of your interactions and learning how to manage intensely powerful desires without being too overwhelming or manipulative.
Today’s Sun signs:
Aries: You’re at that stage of the year when you can recharge your batteries and refocus on your intentions; there’s a life direction goal you’re determined to achieve, don’t be upset by it.
Taurus: You’re reflecting and looking within; you recognize your world view is being gradually transformed and this can cause you some difficulty when you’d like things to stay the same.
Gemini: You’re aware of your involvements with friends and a group and how your relationship with a powerful other can change everything around to make different priorities.
Cancer: You’re being recognized for your professional direction and career yet a partner is able to overpower your efforts in the limelight which could drive you crazy. Go easy and try to be cool.
Leo: You’re illuminated by what you’re learning and understanding about the world and you’re striving for your own niche but now a problem about the work you’re doing arises, causing challenges.
Virgo: You’re aware of changes you want to make in life, but there’s a challenge because you’re used to things being as they are. You can have a total makeover if you wish, so why not?
Libra: You’re aware of how your past, family and home life can disturb your relationships; its not like its intended but there’s so much stuff coming up that needs resolving before peace.
Scorpio: You’re aware of how your working style and what you’re doing on a day to day basis is affected by your deep and penetrative thinking. Some things you perceive need to be kept secretive.
Sagittarius: Your creative and expressive nature is lit up and you’re aware that you can now do things for yourself to make you feel good; there’s money to be spent to get what you want absolutely right.
Capricorn: You’re aware of home and family life and how your absolute determination to do your own thing and be an individual can cause major difficulties for some. They’ll just have to get used to it.
Aquarius: You’re aware of several unusual things to learn and topics of conversation that bring new and different ideas to light. These trigger somewhat difficult but necessary personal transformations.
Pisces: You’re aware of money and finding new ways of earning which pushes you to look at other ambitious models of business success; don’t pressure yourself too much, keep options open.
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