daily horoscope friday

Daily Horoscope Friday 19th April 2019

Tomorrow the Sun changes zodiac sign into Taurus the Bull where it stays until 20th May.

This will draw your attention to an area of life where you will want to be reliable and produce something, as well as a need to feel solid and real about some area of life.

Today’s Sun signs:

Aries: You are entering a one month phase where you will be conscious of, and take pride in possessions, assets and the stability you have developed in your resources.

Taurus: You are entering a month phase where you will be illuminated by your sense of individuality and how you are recognized. As it’s your birthday month you will be ‘recharging’ for the year ahead.

Gemini: You are entering a one month phase where you will be taking more of a back seat and being aware of your inner world: finding a quiet time to contemplate and stabilize will do you good.

Cancer: You are entering a one month phase where you will be aware of your friendships and your social network; steady development has bought good opportunities this year, make the most of them!

Leo: You are entering a one month phase where you will be illuminated by your public and professional position; you might find a surprisingly lucky time if you continue to develop your career.

Virgo: You are entering a one month phase where you will be conscious of learning and broadening your horizons. Did someone say ‘holiday’? It’s the perfect time to go have one.

Libra: You are entering a one month phase where you will be aware of a partner’s money, cash flow and investment potential. You might do very well out of a joint enterprise you start now.

Scorpio: You’re entering a one month phase where you’ll be illuminated by a partner who will teach you an expanded understanding of relating. Vitality is rooted in earthy physical sensations with them.

Sagittarius: You are entering a one month phase where you will be focusing on your work and routines; be body conscious and take exercise; there’s a form of lucky expansion coming your way.

Capricorn: You are entering a one month phase of love, romance and expressions of joy; get down to doing the good things and celebrate everything you have in life; there’s opportunity coming.

Aquarius: You are entering a one month phase where you will be conscious and illuminated by your deepest personal needs of stability and reliability. There are ways of expanding and taking opportunity.

Pisces: You are entering a one month phase of organizing your life and the people close to you. You’ll understand your friends and learn a lot from local travel and getting around.

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