Wednesday 3 November building up to Thursday 4 November
Sun in opposition to Uranus
This is a couple of days where you could experience nervousness, tension, distractions, and instability as the planet of ego identity, the Sun, makes its annual opposition to Uranus, the planet of awakening and sudden, unexpected surprises.
A sudden situation could demand much ingenuity and things may be very surprising, as what was normal is suddenly turned around or flipped over.
Any restlessness you might be experiencing in a relationship is based around impatience and the unwillingness to put up with the other person. Either way one of the pairings in a relationship might end up doing something radically different and startling that can be disruptive.
It could result in a radical revisioning because of some unexpected factors.
This is the time to better integrate yourself into the world by doing things you might not have done before. Is there a project you haven’t yet done yet that you need to do?
You could have quite an amazing time with this aspect just bu realising that you can evolve progress and advance forwards even though there may be surprises and upsets on that path. The question is to ask yourself: “what do you want?”
Whatever happens let those energies flow if they’re restless, don’t suppress them because that can result in a not so easy day. Allow yourself to be eccentric, unique, different, unconventional & break out of the mould – do things differently. Some people might see you as being the upsetter or disrupter, but you’ve got to do what you have to do!
Thursday 4 November
New Moon phase: Moon conjuncts Sun in Scorpio
The autumnal sun has already waded deep into the cool, silent pool of Scorpio, and now it is joined by the moon. This combination of the two luminaries will bring to your attention, over the next week, something that was previously concealed or hidden – could that be your personal power?
I say that because Mars, the ruler of Scorpio has also returned to his domicile, and will be strengthening emotional resolve and sheer determination, amongst other things.
The trick now is to set a goal, a target, that will manifest over the next two to three weeks, especially as there is a full moon eclipse coming up on November 19th when the full moon will pull apart something to make a change. It’s the time to do some letting go, soon.
Friday 5 November
Venus enters into Capricorn (until March 6th 2022)
Venus the planet of attraction, relating and love, moves into the enterprising and practical sign of Capricorn, where it is due to stay for 4 months. As it will be doing a retrograde sequence in that time,
you might notice how affections are expressed more cautiously, dutifully, or mechanically, and self-control and emotional reserves starts to hamper a relationship.
Someone might be looking for commitment before sharing their deeper emotions. Your partner wants you to know that loyalty is the key, and that facing the work and responsibilities of relationships is very important.
Perseverance is often the answer, sticking with what you have, even if it means you develop an aloof or impersonal approach.
Friday 5 November
Mercury enters Scorpio (until November 24)
Mercury the planet of the mind changes zodiac signs into the powerful, deep and passionate energy of Scorpio. It’ss on a quick visit, moving quite fast.
Communication starts to become the vehicle for forming a deep and intense bond with another.
You might find that as you talk and chat, some conversations can become more probing and penetrating, as if a sleuth detective has got out the magnifying glass for a closer inspection.
Overall, this is a time where hidden motivations might be discovered, some sort of whistle-blower like situation arises, and the wilful, intense, and emotional nature of the mind reveals more than was bargained for.
Saturday 6 November
Mercury in sextile to Venus
This aspect has been building up over the last couple of days, it was the two planets changing signs on Friday 5th that has shifted their combined energy inward and down, making them both far more receptive. (Mercury and Venus were in Air and Fire elements before now, which made them an upward and outward expression).
However, this combination of planets lends itself to an affable, social situation: friendliness and good nature should pre-dominate, even if you don’t want to say much. Smoothing over differences will help to keep the peace.
Well-considered words and ideas will help a situation; relationships become a talking point. Take a partner to a pleasurable or cultural event as this aspect is to be enjoyed and relaxed with. Verbalising your feelings is good, and an expression of love to your partner will be well received.
Julian Venables the London Astrologer hopes you are enjoying this Weekly Almanac in a new horoscope format, the Weekly Almanac presents you with dynamic planetary energies that you can see in your own life, as well as in the world around you. This is the sort of astrology that everyone can find useful. Predictions are more accurate and your personal astrology insights also become more available to you.
These are this weeks most powerful planetary alignments! Julian would like to encourage you to BOOK A READING with him & see how these transits apply specifically to you & relationships. Sessions are recorded on Zoom for you to reference the details again later. Follow Julian on YouTube, Facebook & Instagram.
Sign up below to receive a weekly newsletter with the coming week’s aspects or contact Julian Venables directly by email.
* The orb of influence between two planets is active for 2 days before & 1 day after*
Hi Julian,
I saw you this morning on Dallisa’s weekly predictions. I’ve actually seen you one other time on her show a while back and I really liked you. I live in as Vegas, NV. I would like to get an hour reading with you, but I just turned 72 and I’m not sure what information would be useful to someone my age. I definitely don’t feel 72 mentally:). I read my own Oracle and/or Tarot cards daily. I’m a 6th Level Advanced Seraphim Blueprint Energy Worker, so I’m familiar with this type of work. I guess I’m wondering, at this stage in my life, how much guidance could I get, if that makes sense? I’m Scorpio sun, Scorpio rising, Gemini moon. I would be grateful for your advice.
Thank you,
Hi Gail,
I’d love to give you a reading! Please Subscribe to my Mailing List & let me know your availability here:
With all good wishes,