weekly horoscope stars forecast

Astrological overview of the week ahead

Take note of your personal sensitivity and intuition as the Sun continues its annual journey through the watery sign of Cancer the crab. You’ll still be aware of the recognised boost to your sense of personal achievement from last week, as Cancer is an activating sign that marks the beginning of a season. This week you’ll be focusing on feelings and emotion as the Sun makes two positive alignments to Jupiter in Scorpio and Neptune in Pisces. Both these will harmoniously link together the power of the soul and what is perceived and felt but not seen. This week there is an increase of impressionability linked to the imagination; people will conjure up images that will affect collective emotions. Ultimately the lesson is to love without conditions; if we are truly to make a change to this world then we must align with divine will: there are no barriers when attempting to achieve unconditional love. Each of us is unique and we are but one reflected through the many. We all have a role to play to bring the world closer together; underneath all the exteriors and egos there is an ever growing wave of unification sweeping through all humanity. Everyone is feeling it and unable to ignore this rising tide of empathy (although many will prefer to keep it secretive). It is best expressed in love, and compassion, as that ultimately is the true purpose of life.

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Daily Horoscope Monday July 2nd

Mercury in Leo in conjunct Saturn in Capricorn (intensifying whole day peaking at 23:45pm)

Along comes youthful Mercury who is in the playful yet respectful sign of Leo. Mercury is expressing quick thinking and ideas with vitality. But the person who these ideas are being projected onto receives them with discomfort or friction because they’ve seen it all before: they’re old and experienced Saturn, the wise teacher who is naturally cautious and restrictive. So look out for creative and expressive conversations which end up being received coldly and distantly, almost as if one side can’t see the potential for fun, but only the responsibility and restrictions involved.

The Lesson:

If the creativity is to work effectively it requires a solid foundation on which to build it and develop it; some things take time.

Aries: You got an innovative and inventive way of saying things that keep the world around you amused whilst holding the authority that you’ve been working towards for so long.

Taurus: You’re challenged to speak the truth about what you want from home life; make things more inspired by integrating a bit more about what you believe in and your faith would help.

Gemini: Ideas that are practical and realistic are being talked about and drafted out; you’re learning how to be ingenious with a difficult financial situation.

Cancer: Some of your money making ideas will take more time to manifest, so inform your (ever patient?) partner in the brightest and most creative way possible that things will change eventually.

Leo: You talk about yourself in the solid and reliable way that people expect, but some of the people you work with could do with hearing it a bit differently: you’re in for the long run so let them know.

Virgo: A peek behind the curtain of your subconscious gives you ideas that should stay where they are. Take the logical inspiration and creatively apply it to the long term project you’re slogging away at.

Libra: You’re talking realistically with friends at the moment about slow and steady implementation of ideas; even though you feel restricted by what’s actually possible, you can get innovative.

Scorpio: You have to come up with a realistic way of describing what you can do; yes you’ve got a great idea but it needs to sound believable and possible in the most normal of ways. Think ingeniously.

Sagittarius: A long distance call or communication makes you feel good and gives you an idea to work at that could make you some money. Keep yourself productive with several options on the go at once.

Capricorn: You’re just about done with all the seriousness, even happy talk seems to be laden with strange unconscious changes surfacing all the time. Be resourceful and balanced.

Aquarius: A partner has slowly but clearly defined your nuances; luckily they did ingeniously so that it integrates with the overall clear out you’re undergoing behind the scenes.

Pisces: You want to talk to people you work with about your job and find a creative way to keep the tasks fulfilled and continue to be responsible and well respected whilst you do your other plans.

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Daily Horoscope Tuesday July 3rd:

Sun in Cancer the crab trines Jupiter in Scorpio (builds and intensifies over two days, peaks on Thursday 5th July at 11:00am)

This is one of the most fortunate and positive alignments in the year, as your sense of awareness and belonging grows and expands. When the Sun is in Cancer then there is focus on home and family, the past and an urge to feel like a protector or nurturer. Over the next two days as the Sun gradually perfects [its trine alignment] to Jupiter, then feel your own roots growing to incorporate a greater sense of your personal power. This is provided by fortunate and lucky Jupiter in intensely resourceful Scorpio who is revealing the past and showing you how to regenerate yourself. There may be unavoidable engagements with the dark side of the self, but an optimistic philosophy of life pulls you through and you will be like the phoenix rising from the ashes. The crab at the water’s edge of the ever flowing tides feels safest when scuttling under a familiar rock to hide; with the Sun trining Jupiter through to Thursday mid-morning, there’s an opportunity for the crab to recognise a bigger world, that of the rock pool. It’s still an enclosed and protected space, but it provides a larger pool of resources. Enough to make the crab leave its singular rock behind and take control of the rock pool by expanding into its bigger area.

The Lesson:

There’s a lot more to embrace in the big wide world. Ultimately all of humanity feels the same things as you do.

Aries: Your personal feelings and deepest emotional needs have been changing; now you are ready to be more expansive and generous and transform previously held beliefs.

Taurus: You’re still looking deeply into your thoughts, and in doing so you realize that opportunities for relating can bring you a lot more growth and evolution that expected: don’t be skeptical.

Gemini: Intensive awareness about money and earnings is something you’ve had to review; now it’s time to take advantage of working conditions and learn new and more interesting methods.

Cancer: Your approach has changed quite a lot recently as you realize that a more loving self-expression takes you further and brings more opportunity.

Leo: You have to contain deeply held feelings about the past and deal with the family in a different and more surprising way, especially as they keep changing.

Virgo: You’ve had deep insights into friends and the group you belong to and now you can see a clear channel to express ‘different’ thoughts; your intuition is on top form, take all the opportunities.

Libra: You’ve been going through career regeneration and now see how it can improve your earning ability and your self-worth. Go for all the offers and opportunities that land on your plate.

Scorpio: You’ve been thinking about regenerating through expanding your horizons and taking on a different form, which fits in nicely with the opportunity you have to stand alone.

Sagittarius: Even though you’re aware of the intensity around resources especially after so much has happened recently, try ‘letting go’ to the great unknown and feel the result.

Capricorn: Your awareness of relating seems to have changed recently as you look to your friends and the group you belong to; they are bringing interesting influences and beneficial circumstances.

Aquarius: You’re getting deeper insights and awareness of how to change your working environment and through that you’ll discover new career directions and advantages.

Pisces: You’ve been aware of changes in your romance and love situation and so a bit of higher learning helps you to see different ways of expressing it. Traveling will be fun, with opportunities.

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Daily Horoscope Wednesday July 4th:

Mercury in Leo opposes Mars in Aquarius (builds and intensifies over two days, peaks on Thursday 5th July at 11:45am)

The confident and humorous conversationalist talks about a range of subjects that are essentially entertaining, but a need for reconciliation is required as this energized intellect is powerfully stimulated and needs somewhere to go. In terms of the chit-chat, it’s all been said before and there’s a certain familiarity in trying to reach the actual competitive goal that must be achieved. This time around there’s a call to destiny; anyone listening in knows it should have already been done, but here lies the confusion of the opposition between these two ‘relationship’ planets. Who is playing who? With a trickster like Mercury on the rudder, then there’s a sense of navigating past inner contradiction as one side swings to the other.

The Lesson:

Decisive action helps focus communication; keeping it friendly and fun means there is receptivity to the universal mind, even though it might sound bizarre.

Aries: It’s fun to talk about creative projects but as you do you get a friend frustrated at what you’re trying to do. This could manifest as sexual sparks as well, so be ready for erotic speak as well.

Taurus: If you’re feeling misunderstood or not appreciated at work, talk to your family and see if they can offer some advice. If you need to take a break and cool down, take one.

Gemini: You really want to talk about what’s on your mind and get the people close to you more involved through explaining your situation; be aware there are conflicting points of view, so take it easy.

Cancer: You’re trying to organize and balance the books and are aware of a great swing or imbalance financially which could cause you frustration. Don’t make any final rush decisions at this stage.

Leo: You’re thinking about your personal and individual position and are quite taken aback and aware of another person’s seeming acts of daring or bravado. Let them get their wild out, you keep cool.

Virgo: Secret thoughts and hidden contemplation might get you worked up into a lather and ready to pop with pressure to let some sort of thoughts out; try to keep you cool and just be aware.

Libra: You’re keen to organize or plan a social gathering or event (possibly involving children) although the actual arrangements could become a minor battleground, so speak carefully.

Scorpio: Arguments within the family structure are making you want to divert all your attention to work; calm down and you’ll see things more clearly tomorrow.

Sagittarius: Your mind is racing and thinking lots of thoughts at once; however don’t lose sight of the big picture or you won’t be able to see the forest for the trees.

Capricorn: You have a competitive spirit that wants to get head and make some money; however don’t fall for any get rich quick schemes that call for you to invest your hard earned funds.

Aquarius: If you talk too much you may risk offending someone important, or it could bring up some issues that set you off. Let bygones be bygones and forgive and forget.

Pisces: Work plans are a-plenty but they need to be kept contained because just as you think it’s time to launch something there’s a difficult spanner in the works which upsets progress. Wait until later.

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Daily Horoscope Thursday 5th July:

Sun in Cancer quintile Uranus in Taurus (builds during the whole day, peaks 06:00am Friday 6th)

Having realized the emotional supportiveness and protective qualities that can be found from establishing roots now is the time to take that feeling and mould it or shape it into something creatively unique. It’s almost as if the self has been waiting to fulfill its potential. Cooperation between two parties links concepts together to create something new.

The Lesson:

Look out for that talented person, they will offer more than you expect.

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Daily Horoscope Friday 6th July:

Last Quarter Moon phase: Sun in Cancer squares Moon in Aries (07:51am on 6th July and lasting two days)

As the moon wanes in its light then so is a time of integrating what has been learnt in the last three weeks. This is the best time to reflect on wisdom gained, particularly in understanding and growing with your emotions and feelings as the awareness of the Sun in water sign Cancer has enhanced your sensitivity and intuition. As the moon moves through Aries you might want to take more initiative and push forwards but rather than be pushy it will be cleverer to contemplate on what has already been accomplished, reflecting on how you did what you did and where it can go next, starting in 7 days’ time with the next new moon.

The Lesson:

Over the last three weeks you presented your message and now things are starting to get going, but take one step at a time and don’t rush it.

Aries: There’s a lot of thinking and planning about moving and traveling this last 3 weeks that’s made you take on a different viewpoint and ask many questions. Settling into one place is today’s mission.

Taurus: You’ve had several interesting events around money and possessions in the last 3 weeks; now you realize it’s time to simply make sure you’re getting the right communication across to others.

Gemini: It’s been a touch and go situation with a significant other or a partnership over the last 3 weeks and now you get to realizing what’s best is to be able to clearly state your values.

Cancer: You’ve been to-ing and fro-ing over a secret from your inner world in the last 3 weeks and now it’s time to realize that in facts everything ok and you can just be yourself.

Leo: You’ve had some realizations about your hopes and wishes for the future and now you realize that what you really want is your inner world and a sanctuary of a kind.

Virgo: You’ve been in some recent turmoil about the direction your life seems to be heading in and now you realize that it’s time to stick to your hopes and wishes and not give up hope for the future.

Libra: You’ve recently started learning a new way of being, now you are at the point where this can become more of a life direction and career path.

Scorpio: You’ve been thinking about resources and what’s what and now you realize that having a bigger viewpoint will help you see things differently.

Sagittarius: You’ve had a completely new beginning within the context of a relationship and you now begin to realize that the sharing of resources is going to be alright.

Capricorn: You’ve been concerned about work and your schedules recently and now you realize that a relationship can change your attitude towards what you’re doing.

Aquarius: You’ve been back and forth over an issue of romance and love in which maybe children are involved; now you realize it’s a good time to focus on your daily working life instead.

Pisces: You’ve had some interesting home and family events recently and now you realize it’s time to express your creative side properly and show your true feelings.

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Daily Horoscope Saturday 7th July:

Sun in Cancer trine Neptune in Pisces (builds whole day and peaks at 14:40pm on Sunday 8th July)

The self-conscious Sun in is Cancer creates a nurturing openness of the heart to feel the oneness of all life which should be rather pleasant for most people. This is now positively and beneficially increased by a spiritual dimension of experience as the Sun flows well together with idealistic Neptune in Pisces, the sign of unity and oneness. This is about having the will to literally transcend the material world through the imagination or spiritual pursuits. However there could be moments during this weekend when you might feel confused by your sense of identity, as empathy, unconditional love and compassion can bring some special moments linking experience together in moments of emotional ‘wow’. This is particularly possible as the sun just made a trine to Jupiter earlier in the week; it’s almost as if the counselor, the shaman or the healer has presented you with the healing you were looking for so long.

The Lesson:

Don’t necessarily overrate yourself, and where possible get honest feedback from others so you can keep a realistic sense of self.

Aries: You’re conscious of home and family being linked to people close to you; a deeper, more spiritual search is called for; now you need to focus on your ideals and the perfect situation.

Taurus: Your neighbourhood is becoming a subject matter you need to think about. Your values are enhanced and you understand the importance of camaraderie and getting together as group to dream.

Gemini: You’re conscious of what you’d like to earn and how you value yourself, but there’s a dreamy idealistic space that needs filling with what you’ve got potential for.

Cancer: You as an individual show the world that you have a deep compassionate sensitivity and a set of beliefs that although maybe idealistic are full of emotional understanding.

Leo: Subtle shifts and changing happens behind the scenes: in a way you know what it is (your attitude towards money) but it’s something that’s best not mentioned, except discreetly.

Virgo: You’ve got so many feelings for a friend who seems to understand you; at least they can help you through the recent fog that totally descended on your style of relating to others.

Libra: You’re aware of how far you’d like to reach in your professional workplace but what’s undermining it is the dedication to all the hours and shift work you have to do. Instead its easier to dream on.

Scorpio: This is the perfect time to dream up an escape plan to paradise; once you’re there you’ll probably find the mistakes, so it might be a good idea to see the errors now, if they’re not too hidden.

Sagittarius: Aware you’re shifting into shared resources mode? A partner starts talking about contracts and deals. You might be looking for the real depth spiritual knowing after all you’ve been through.

Capricorn: An important relationship needs a smokescreen and mirrors; its just whose playing against who? If you have to talk it’ll be most vague, which at times can be a marvelous tool to get out of trouble.

Aquarius: It’s all going ok when you can’t really see what happening. Pay attention to any business deals that might be vague and cloudy. Avoid a big investment.

Pisces: You shine like a beacon of love, romantic to the core and approaching the world with a pure and mindful vision of how things could be. People comment on how good it is to be with you like this.

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