weekly horoscope stars forecast

Astrological overview of the week ahead

The beginning of this week sees the Moon continuing to gain in light from First Quarter phase up to the Full Moon phase which perfects on Sunday morning (see below). With that in mind this week is a good time to be consciously ‘in growth’ with a particular project.

This current Lunar cycle started with the solar eclipse in Leo (11th August), and so bear in mind to keep the overall Leo theme of broad-minded confidence, although the Mercury and Mars retrogrades have caused much difficulty and anxiety for many, which this year has tended to mask the generous and proud development the self receives when the Sun is in Leo.

Thankfully the Mercury retrograde has now finished, but it still has ‘stuff’ left to do, as it moves over the middle degrees of Leo for the third time.
It has been a summer of considerable challenges to express and understand your sense of self, especially when trying to get your (grandiose?) ideas across.
The raw chaos and tension of having to learn about self-hood will considerably reduce this week, as Mercury now provides the answers to the lessons that were originally raised around July 7th (check your diary, look back to the first two weeks of July).
This particular Mercury retrograde cycle has been considerably enhanced by its tense and pressured square to Jupiter in Scorpio, which has made things rather more difficult, and still will over the next two weeks.
Issues in which you might have heard “Can’t you change? Why won’t you change?” could’ve been likely, as Mercury and Jupiter although both ‘Mutable’ planets, are travelling through ‘Fixed’ Zodiac signs, increasing the overall ego discomfort.

On Thursday morning the Sun moves into Virgo (see below), and so the seasonal shift begins; Virgo is a mutable sign of change and marks the last month of summer.
A cooler breeze develops, the Sun is noticeably less hot (even though an ‘Indian summer’ is still possible) and you probably start to notice the evenings and night drawing in closer.
This is the beginning of Harvest time, so it’s a good time to find pick-your-own farmers’ fields and to note how much variety of produce is available at this time and throughout September.
In a Virgo way, you can now pick out the best bits and be more choosy. As well as in the marketplace, this reflects in life too!

On Monday the Moon is still in Sagittarius, so getting up on Monday morning will have an upbeat feeling to it, with some vitality expressed.
The week ahead can be seen optimistically and even quite well planned out, especially if you feel tuned into the bigger picture.
As the Moon’s ruler Jupiter is in Scorpio, then it might well feel as if this is a week for transformation or change, but whether you will or not is another matter, but some dalliance is possible.

Tuesday morning sees the Moon move into Capricorn which will tend to make it a get up and get on with it type of a day.
When the Moon is in this ambitious sign, then you’ll be able to be more serious-minded, and find reserves of discipline and patience for whatever situation you are in. A need to apply you constructively will be experienced, as well as the proper investment of your time and energy.

On Thursday late afternoon the Moon moves into Aquarius which might well encourage you to want a bit more emotional space, to help bring forth intuitive insights or the genius part of yourself.
This means that Friday and Saturday can be a social whirl in which you’ll keep an objective viewpoint, whilst feeling free to be yourself and simply going your own way. Allow for a bit of unpredictability and welcome anything new to occur.

Early on Sunday morning the Moon moves into Pisces, and so we enter Full Moon phase (see below). Your mind is likely to shift towards more sensitivity, with imagination and the daydream seeping through. Actual organizing becomes more of a challenge, and it’s easier to just flow and let be.
Losing yourself in dreams and visions becomes the norm, music and art are easier to express.
Don’t try to push anything, let it just well up in the soul and spirit and find its way out naturally.

(All times in UT Universal time. The word ‘perfects’ means ‘to bring to full development’)

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Daily Horoscope Monday 20 August

Sun in Leo Inconjunct Mars in Capricorn (builds from Monday afternoon & perfects Tuesday 22:50pm)

With the Sun Leo these last few weeks you may have felt overly confident enough to make demands, some of which may have backfired or not been well received (Mercury retrograde).

And so this inconjunct aspect of possible irritation now occurs between what goal is desired (Mars) and being the passionate centre of attention (Sun in Leo).

Mars is still retrograde, making the drive to move forwards even more complicated, but fortunately it has now moved into Capricorn, where it is more content and exalted. This shows that waiting and being patient is absolutely necessary, particularly in business matters.

You must be realistic in what you want, and pushing others around with a big personality isn’t going to help the eventual success.

So wait before you make your next move but don’t sit on your haunches! Far from it, you must do the work with calm and direction; double the output if necessary as it will eventually pay off handsomely; now is not the time to try to push and get noticed.

(build up the work and wait for the Sun in Libra trine Mars in Aquarius from September 23rd thru September 28th).

In the news look out for:

As the Sun is someone in the limelight, or a public figure, and the inconjunct aspect is an irritation, then that is who you must look for.

Someone who is becoming increasingly irritating (inconjunct) by their outbursts and drama (Sun in Leo) as they try to reach their ambitious goals (Mars in Capricorn). The inconjunct is also self-depleting.

Todays news presents the public with ‘an itch to scratch’, something that is chronically dissatisfying and therefore needs adjustment.

Expect some form of resentment in the stories of the day, with people who are cranky because they finding it difficult to get their way.

The answer to all today’s news issues is found in the concept of re-assembling (their) energies before they can be properly utilized in a manner that benefits the individual (all).

Your Sun-sign forecast:

Aries: You are happy in your stride expressing yourself and having creative fun whilst you’re at it, yet there’s a nagging requirement to push harder at achieving a goal, which seems to constantly frustrate you.

Taurus: A larger and more grandiose scheme at home is well underway, yet you find yourself wanting to goad or push another’s opinions because you are frustrated by how they do things or take action.

Gemini: You are at your best when you can creatively state opinions and come up with best ideas, but there is a nagging drive involving another that been frustrating you and it needs to be talked about.

Cancer: You are proud of what you’ve got, earn or own, and so when a pushy someone nudges into your life with some ambitious action-oriented motivations, its gets on your goat. Sort it out.

Leo: You have a strong and bright focus on ‘being’ you, yet things hold you back; especially on the work and routines front. You want to move forwards, but there are delays. Frustrating? You bet.

Virgo: Things going on behind the scenes frustrate you because winning at having fun and expressing your true self is the goal; there’s something holding you back, was it something you said (or didn’t say)?

Libra: Your long term objectives are still under debate, although someone has made themselves very noticeable, which fires up your deepest emotions to score goals yourself. Why do you have to wait, it’s so frustrating.

Scorpio: You’ve been noticed at your career and are in the limelight, but you may well have said something a bit too spiky or pointed for some people, and now the challenge is to let all that pass, because it’s uncomfortable.

Sagittarius: A holiday or a journey looks so promising and will do you a world of good, but there are certain values that you have to adopt, even though they frustrate or poke at you and seem to hold you back.

Capricorn: The radiant generation of money and resources from other people has been large on your agenda recently, but it’s the style you present that might be a bit too edgy or pointed. Bide your time for a bit longer.

Aquarius: Someone else, a significant other, has lit up your relationship sector recently, but plenty of unsaid has been left hanging in the air. Be wary of taking action in the wrong direction, and bide your time before pushing.

Pisces: You emanate a certain warmth and radiance when you keep up with work and duties; a frustration at fulfilling your long term objectives keeps driving you onwards. It can take a long time to reach the goal.

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Daily Horoscope Tuesday 21 August

Sun in Leo in Parallel with Uranus in Taurus (builds all day Tuesday & perfects Wednesday 03:45am)

The Sun, planet of the self continues to radiate in its own sign of Leo as it astronomically lines up (by Northern Declination) to make a rare aspect (the parallel) to Uranus the planet of originality.
This indicates the chance or an event in which you can express yourself or be noticed.
‘Doing things differently’ is the Uranian way, which encompasses the unconventional and peculiar.
Take note how these two planets are in solid and fixed signs of the Zodiac (Taurus and Leo), which tends to indicate that it is important to stand firm, be stoic and immovable.
There is a new awakening going on, and progressions towards it will be made in increments, until it is so obvious it becomes itself in full manifestation.

In the news look out for:

A popular or public figure who won’t go away.

A very noticeable ‘new’ movement that holds much drama.

A persistent wedge that is still holding something open.

Gold (ruled by the Sun) does something different, in Bullion markets (Bull – Lion), or in prospecting.

A new world record holder/ someone or something surpasses previously held.

A new way to view sunrise or sunset or sunshine. A technological awakening.

Your Sun-sign forecast:

Aries: A creative urge within you is fit to blossom and express itself in a new way; you’ve got to remember you might have to expose a part of yourself you hadn’t before, but it’s all good.

Taurus: It’s time to introduce the new concepts at home you’ve been thinking about; a big move could be necessary, which is a challenge but will have an eventual silver lining.

Gemini: As you look around your local space, sudden moves that can come as a surprise could see you changing your opinion and communicating differently than before.

Cancer: Like a bolt from the blue, you realize amongst your material possessions there are things of value that could dramatically improve your self-worth, so what will you do with them? Don’t rush a decision.

Leo: You suddenly realize the vital-ness of standing alone and independent; getting caught up in business deals and contracts can be messy when you’d be in a better position to just stay free and unhindered.

Virgo: Doing original things by yourself and in secret is sometimes a necessity, especially if no-one else understands why you know to keep certain things to yourself.

Libra: Friends slightly odd actions illuminate a certain area of life for you and help you understand your objectives and plans, especially if you haven’t set boundaries in that area before.

Scorpio: A jolt of realization resets your career path yet again; with so much inspiration readily available it must be quite a challenge to reason out what you want to promote.

Sagittarius: A flash of original inspiration could see you launch off on a new path of discovery as you continue to change your world viewpoint and align it with your feelings and way of being.

Capricorn: You’d love to start your personal revolution and make those changes now, but it’s all a little bit too mysterious and unfathomable; you’ve got to put in hard work to get the results you seek.

Aquarius: A sudden change in your partner and also in the way you see them shifts your opinions; you’ve learnt now you can’t apply too much order and analysis in a relationship, you just have to go with the flow and see what happens.

Pisces: You’ve been waiting for a change in working practice and now here it is; it probably means you have to make certain adjustments in order to fit with a new method, but at least it’s different.

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Daily Horoscope Wednesday 22 August

Venus in Libra Inconjunct Neptune in Pisces (perfects at 21:10pm)

This is a day with a (mild) challenge to get through even though both Venus and Neptune are happily placed in their own signs at present.

With Venus in Libra there will be focus on relationships and partners and with Neptune in Pisces then there’s dissolution of boundaries and a possibility of some sort of self-sacrifice or martyrdom.

The inconjunct is a testing aspect which attempts to break down and remove non-effectual attitudes that interfere with on-going growth.

The inconjunct is known as a ‘nagging’ problem, so apply that to a relationship (Venus) with Neptune on the other end and there could well be a draining or depleting influence to have to get through today.

As Neptune is involved there is ‘the dreamer who dreams’ or ‘the deluded who fantasizes.’; with Venus then it connects to creative attraction and magnetism within relationships.
A love fantasy?
Some people just can’t be told, even when its obvious, they are happier in their dream or illusion.

Whatever is experienced, as the Sun still in Leo then confidence will be restored quickly.

Venus is ruling her own sign, so harmony and balance is also soon restored, and then continued to be improved upon.

In the news look out for:

Someone who gives their all to a cause but isn’t considered part of whats happening.

A reduction in the overall value of something.

A love or relationship that is briefly uncoordinated and disorderly.

Your sun-sign forecast:

Aries: You’re improving relationships with a significant other giving you insights; now you are diverted by your super-intuition which is requiring a peaceful space and is difficult to blend in with them.

Taurus: The work you value and enjoy doing doesn’t seem to fit with the long term plans or objectives that you’ve had for a long time, especially when a friend seems to be making things more confusing.

Gemini: Creatively you’re loved for being you and acting from your true heart center. Although you’d be excellent at taking a leading or authoritative role, your dreamy expectations need adjusting.

Cancer: You’d like to make home and family life more pleasing and enjoyable yet your overall cultural vision and dream of perfection doesn’t quite fit with circumstances. Think about re-arrangements.

Leo: Charming conversations and charismatic encounters add some bliss to daily proceedings but there are still some confused financial considerations that divert your full attention.

Virgo: Money considerations and valuing are worth planning for yet you have to still make adjustments from a significant partner who might be pulling the wool over your eyes.

Libra: You find it easy to present yourself in a pleasing and charming manner but you’ll have to make adjustments so you can avoid giving up too much time to work.

Scorpio: You have to help another in a selfless way and without much song and dance; acting in a diffuse and vague way usually serves you well but this time it only diverts you from what you need to do.

Sagittarius: Your feelings for a friend with links into valuing and being of service need to be adjusted; you can’t be too lost about the past when you should stick with the present and look to the future.

Capricorn: People linked with your career and profession are asking you want you want that can help improve your position; try to be precise and adjust your thinking from being wooly or vague.

Aquarius: Culturally you’re enjoying yourself with an ability to get out to things and indulge in a wider field of pleasures; however adjust any delusions in how you value certain things: is it worth that much?

Pisces: Financial gain through helping out others has been a recent theme; however your sometimes dreamy, vague or elusive approach that is basically non-committal needs to be adjusted.

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Daily Horoscope Thursday 23 August

Sun enters Virgo (04:09am, stays until 22nd September)

The Sun now moves into the earthy sign of Virgo, and this herald the beginning of a very nice Grand trine of planets in Earth signs.

From August 23 to August 25 there will be a fortunate, flowing and harmonious link from the Sun to Saturn; Saturn to Uranus; and Uranus back the Sun.

Because both Saturn and Uranus are retrograde, then there is the overall feeling of being patient and waiting.

It is certain something new and different is on its way, the beginning has already started.

Now it’s down to the work put into it, the service and the actual productivity that will make the difference when the time comes to move forwards.

So whatever it is you’re doing, enjoy it and revel in your personal manifestations.

With the sun in Virgo then it’s the month ahead of efficiency and dedication, of being sensible and responsible, of being helpful and of service.

Virgo is the sign of health, so be sure to listen to what your body is telling you, and how you can improve on it, maybe through being more consciously practical in your endeavours.

In the news look out for:

News stories about women, working women, mothers and maidens.

An improvement to testing, or in science and health.

A problem solved, puts an analyst or helpful person into the spotlight.

A logical analysis of the future and a time to change.

Dietary news, a new product, or a miracle technique.

Micro-computers, micro-technology, advancements and improvements.

Your sun-sign forecast:

Aries: Your focus shifts towards the job or work that you do; are you fully happy with the way things are, or are the changes you’ve wanted to make for such a long time coming back to you again?

Taurus: Your resourceful and innovative abilities come into focus; what can you do alongside other responsibilities that are good for you and helps you have a good time whilst you’re at it?

Gemini: Your awareness shifts towards home matters and the personal thoughts and analysis you often think about with those matters; you might feel its time to make a decision, but you’d do well to wait.

Cancer: Looking around your local area and neighbourhood and you might find there are things you’re becoming more aware of; organizing and communicating to friends becomes a focus point.

Leo: Your personal earning ability and resources becomes a focus point; you might have worried and over-analysed too much recently; don’t feel pushed to make a decision yet, bide your time.

Virgo: Your self-presentation and what you actually think of yourself becomes clearer and demands your attention; you’ve got to think carefully about a self-description so you can be ‘just right’.

Libra: It’s time to focus on the distinction of what is real and what is only possible; what’s actually happening and what you imagine to be happening.

Scorpio: It’s time to shine within a group, would it help to know you could use a group to help define and express some of the more important themes of your life?

Sagittarius: Focus on realizing your greater ambition and realize your true purpose, the one that’s larger than personal fulfilment. Have a good think, but don’t rush to decide.

Capricorn: You awareness shifts towards opening your mind to higher realms but hang on and realize that sometimes you can lose your sense of being grounded with reality if you go too abstract.

Aquarius: You’re awareness shifts towards being productive whilst not being dependent, yet not separate: there’s something about being linked in trust whilst following your own path.

Pisces: You’re awareness shifts towards a significant relationship: remember instead of becoming one with another, try to stay in the dynamic, unresolved polarity of two-ness.

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Daily Horoscope Friday 24 August

Sun in Leo trines Uranus in Taurus (builds all day Friday & perfects Saturday at 16:38pm)

Sun in Leo trines Saturn in Capricorn (builds all day Friday & perfects Saturday at 22:07pm)

These planets are making an earth element Grand Trine.

The earth element is about stabilizing, establishing and focusing on practical and methodical means. It is also a concentrated force of productivity.

The trine aspect is an easy-flowing alignment that tends to bring harmony, peace, relaxation and beneficial circumstances, because there is nothing abrasive, grating, pushy or tense about the way the planets are receiving each other.

This is nice, but there is often a lack of energy to get something done, because the planets are following the line of LEAST resistance.

So this aspect has to be pushed to influence a situation, and if given enough momentum, then its magnetism and receptivity becomes something to behold.

Saturn is the rules, the structure, the tradition; Uranus is exciting, new, surprising and unexpected.

So a situation arises in which there is a chance to create a whole new parameter.

Let see what happens! But more than anything, see what you can do to enact a practical change in your own life.

In the news look out for:

A new way of doing security that involves technology.

The old system making way for the new.

Traditions, rules and conventions being put aside for a new concept.

Progressing practical matters forward.

A change in the law is needed to be practical.

Progress with medicine and health goes to an advanced new level, whilst holding onto tradition.

Boundaries are replaced with innovative methods.

Your sun-sign forecast:

Aries:It’s clear to you that getting fully involved in routine and general tasks helps you to reach the top; you can’t just sit there and expect things to happen. Promote a good diet and health regime.

Taurus: Be expressive and work towards what you believe in. Your faith is all important and if it’s been restricted in its expression now’s the time to put more effort in, in a fun and creative way.

Gemini: You’ll find good satisfaction and fulfillment from doing work at home; knowing your deepest emotional needs helps you to get through long term financial restrictions and difficult changes.

Cancer: Can you set in place some proper structures for how you wish to communicate to a significant other, partner or loved one? Try working together on a plan to help build a disciplined approach.

Leo: It’s time to be more meticulous and thorough in your routines and schedules as this will help you value what you do much better. Precision brings improved cash flow.

Virgo: A challenging creative innovation encourages you to emanate a different and matured impression to the world. When starting something off, take your time, concentrate and pay attention to detail.

Libra: In restructuring your deepest personal feelings about the home and family, there are times when it suits you best to stay behind the scenes. Find quiet sanctuary to conserve your emotions.

Scorpio: Your hopes and wishes are highlighted and you know now the best success comes from organizing and planning your own affairs. Work hard at your overall plan and stick with what’s real.

Sagittarius: You might have been feeling restricted and held back from your true worth, but now you can see in your professional direction that the solid work and time you put in is well valued by superiors.

Capricorn: It’s difficult to separate and cut out what’s been good previously but as you experience the world around you culturally you can see discipline and self-control is required by everyone in some way.

Aquarius: You’re aware that financial planning towards making some greater changes is required. Apply focus and self-discipline to the changes you wish to make or to see happen.

Pisces: A significant other drafts out the plans you’ve been waiting for. Keeping patient and self-disciplined and a sense of control to our hopes and wishes is clear. Long term good things are happening.

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Daily Horoscope Saturday 25 August

Venus in Libra Squares Pluto in Capricorn (builds all day Saturday & perfects Sunday at 19:21pm)

Venus planet of love receives tension and uneasiness from Pluto planet of power, indicating an intense encounter with someone that forces us to make a change. Things can be destructive at first, but later constructive as a new way is sought.

This alignment is known for bringing up issues of power within a relationship; usually its around previously unnoticed subconscious issues that surface and cause strife, when Venus’s central intention is to bring balance and harmony, fairness and justice.

Pluto’s purpose is to dig up the past and present whatever it finds(especially the hidden, forgotten, denied, covert, secret).

With the square aspect what is revealed or exposed is often difficult to deal but is necessary in order to let go and move on.

Venus is about collaborations, partnerships, agreements, Relationships, Affairs; also money, values and resourcefulness.

(Pluto in) Capricorn is about big business, corporate hierarchy, governments and traditions, as well as law and order.

Libra likes to get on with everyone, finds it difficult to make a decision, and seeks a fair balance whilst taking the initiative.

Put it all together and see what happens.

In the news look out for:

Huge money exposure/ someone makes it big.

Corruption revealed, the power of resources and how they are used.

A major relationship breakdown (in world of celebrity).

Federal level re-balancing by applying law (arrests)

Someone of beauty ‘forced’ to change. Issues like Botox and plastic surgery exposed.

Fashion world corruption, scandal, revealing an unpleasant side.

Someone thought to be charming and nice turns out to be dominant, narcissist, overpowering, ugh.

A creative deal in art, music that changes lives.

Your sun-sign forecast:

Aries: You’re developing a powerful drive to change your reputation and an ambition, which is good except a partner might be having difficulty with that.

Taurus: A compulsive determination to learn about and transform your health has long term benefits but co-workers might find you difficult to deal with.

Gemini: You’re out there having fun but you need to gain more stability in your finances before you get too carried away by recreational and leisure activities.

Cancer: You’ve got feelings to do nice things around the home, but your partner is not too interested and is acting difficultly.

Leo: A charming conversation with people close to you conceals deep compulsions to change your working life and routines.

Virgo: A powerful desire to get deeply involved is placed in check by your financial situation. Spend money on yourself exclusively.

Libra: Your charming and balanced approach is offset by a domestic situation that seems to be increasingly smothering and restrictive.

Scorpio: You want to say everything to a loved one as feelings are tunneling deep. Don’t rush to make changes or blurt things out.

Sagittarius: The abilities you’re developing that will change your earning capacity is drawing a crowd of admirers, don’t overpower or bamboozle them.

Capricorn: A situation that requires you to be fair so your reputation isn’t dented gets in the way of urges to take control and dominate. Take it easy there’s plenty of time.

Aquarius: Your beliefs and viewpoint about a balanced relationship works at cross purposes to what’s actually going on.

Pisces: Although getting on well with friends is important, be aware of subversive tactics that could upset the balance.

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Daily Horoscope Sunday 26 August

Full Moon phase: Sun in Virgo opposite Moon in Pisces (at 11:56am, lasts two days)

It’s the full moon today with the Sun in Virgo and the Moon in Pisces facing off against each other. This creates a day-long conflict between our willpower and our emotions. Both need expressing, but what’s the best way to do it?

In the news look out for:

Two sides trying to find equanimity.

A woman’s issue comes to light.

Something about health (and harvest)

Innovative technologies that can save lives.

A situation of chaos needing order and helpfulness to fix it.

The recognition that Love, compassion and empathy are what humanity needs more of.

Your sun-sign forecast:

Aries: You’re being recognized for humdrum and menial tasks that are a drag, when all you feel to do is let go and drift! The answer is there’s time for each; try a thousand mile stare if the pressure gets too much.

Taurus: You’ve always been known for picking the finer things when it comes to having fun; it’s clear your friends act chaotically without your discriminating guidance, so make a helpful suggestion!

Gemini: You’ve practically analysed how best to apply yourself to your work and the results are coming clear, don’t let go of the order you’ve created in preference for wild abandon that will upset your reputation.

Cancer: You’ve been perfecting ways to communicate to people close to you when an intuitive feeling arises making you want to say anything that’ll bridge a connection. This can be good or maybe not; it depends on what you make of it.

Leo: Organizing your in-going and outgoings has taken priority recently as you begin to get a better idea of how to value your work; artistic and creative urges to connect to a greater circuit need to be better arranged first.

Virgo: You’ve been getting clearer about your general approach and individualistic stance recently, so it might feel a little displacing when your somewhat chaotic partner throws an unconventional spanner in the works.

Libra: Getting into your personal cocoon has been helping you make better sense of how to freshly apply yourself to the world, so a feeling to let go of duties, schedules and tasks is not too surprising.

Scorpio: It’s fairly clear you’ve been sorting out the wheat from the chaff in your social circle recently so you know who’s reliable; a feeling to let caution fly to the wind for some unhinged craziness in the name of fun is always welcome though!

Sagittarius: Your reputation puts you in the spotlight as its pretty clear what direction you’re now going in; a feeling to lose all boundaries though could fog up family and home life briefly; get things back in order to progress.

Capricorn: Getting away from it all has been a focus recently as you analyse which direction will teach you the most about life. A feeling to unconsciously blurt out what should be fairly well ordered could make for an interesting day.

Aquarius: You’re fully aware of the changes you could have by adopting a more business-like attitude, so why not let go and see what happens? You could get a rather nice surprise in the long run.

Pisces: Perfecting your relationship to people who hold key significance has seen you keen to adapt and change; now a feeling to unify with everything and everyone regardless could make for a little chaos. Handle it with care.

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I hope you enjoy your daily & weekly horoscopes: The Weekly Stars Forecast

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with all good wishes,


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