Daily Horoscope Monday 25 June
Venus in Leo squares Jupiter in Scorpio (intensifying during Sunday; whole day Monday peaking at 5:15pm).
You might well come across the proud (Leo) attractor (Venus) who wants to understand and learn (Jupiter) about investment, money and resources (Scorpio). Great (Jupiter) financial (Scorpio and Venus) opportunities (Jupiter) are on the table (square) for creative enterprises (Leo). There is an opportunity (Jupiter) for in depth (Scorpio) feelings (Venus) to be dramatically presented (Leo) although this is challenged (square) by secretive qualities (Scorpio). Plenty (Jupiter) of indulgence (Venus) can lead to excesses (Jupiter square) whilst having a good time (Venus in Leo). Ultimately having a good time (Venus in Leo) overrides (square) an emotional crisis (Scorpio) that is getting to big to handle (Jupiter). A big concept (Jupiter) brings substantial change (Scorpio) in order to (square) become even more popular (Venus in Leo).
Aries: Your lucky streak seems to have returned; creative new ideas are reaping rich rewards. Trust your intuition and take a little risk; you might find interesting growth as a result.
Taurus: You love where you live and opening that up to a partner seems like a good idea; they might be able to help you with some good home decorating notions.
Gemini: It’s time to communicate and network to make new work friends; there are new ways of connecting to people. It’s also time to plan a diet and consider health options.
Cancer: You’re recognizing the pleasure you get from helping others with your personal resources. As you feel generosity you’ll pick out the most thoughtful gifts.
Leo: You’re getting support from your family and loved ones and it feels good to be who you are; keep your individual spirit in good form by attending the right family things.
Virgo: You’re feeling chatty right now but don’t spill the beans on someone else’s secret! Keeping feelings to you whilst being helpful and kind to all the right people makes good vibes all round.
Libra: Don’t feel pressured into buying things you can’t afford. It’s alright not to be a big shot because everyone loves you anyway.
Scorpio: You want to be popular in your career right now; everyone can see what you’re doing but there’s no need to overdo things, you’re doing well already.
Sagittarius: You have big dreams right now and the idea of traveling somewhere exotic seems like what you want to do, or meet interesting new people.
Capricorn: You want to keep up with your friends as they’re getting the neatest new stuff; however focus on your own unique look and don’t feel you have to overspend to make yourself look good.
Aquarius: Look to a partner if you need help and don’t be afraid to take what they offer; this kind of assistance helps set you in a good public position.
Pisces: Bring some interesting new ideas and notions to work; you‘ll find a new creative way to organize yourself and your lifestyle or bring new business to what you do.
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Daily Horoscope Tuesday 26 June
Mars in Aquarius goes stationary retrograde (starts at 9:00pm and lasts until August 28th)
Over the next two months your motivation and drive (Mars) is directed (Mars) into a group or community vision (Aquarius). Even though you are fighting (Mars) for your ideals (Aquarius) you find yourself reflecting on previous actions (Mars retrograde). You know (Aquarius) you have to re-channel (retrograde) your efforts (Mars) so you can fully identify with humanity (Aquarius). An intellectual concept (Aquarius) needs a new way (retrograde) to be mobilized as a vital force (Mars). The constructive alteration (retrograde) of an energy pattern (mars) helps to manifest the friendly- to- all (Aquarius). You have to direct your physical attention (Mars) to the thing you formally neglected or failed to carry through to completion (retrograde) so you know how to promote equality, co-operation and tolerance. Reset (retrograde) your goals (Mars) to be a group oriented truth-seeker (Aquarius).
Aries: You are formulating goals and actively pursuing the future. Friends and groups will help you achieve what you desire, and with some coordination you can help them too.
Taurus: Your ambition to achieve has been pushing you to new heights and conquests. Knowing that whilst you strive ahead also consider community and avoid conflict with anybody in your field of work.
Gemini: You are asserting your ideas and beliefs and it does you good to have a strong view of the world. However there’s no need to push a concept onto anyone who doesn’t know what you mean.
Cancer: A certain someone has held plenty of influence and sway around you recently and you’ve found yourself changing, particularly over things you share, value or possess with another.
Leo: You are conscious of what you are doing within a partnership at the moment and if there’s tension and strife, you must drive towards balancing out your ego against your partners.
Virgo: You’ve noticed a workload increase and you’re proud of what you’ve been able to achieve recently. However you must put energy into helping others reach their targets too.
Libra: Your ability to get involved at a creative level and put energy into a recreational pastime has excelled recently and is doing you good. Controlling your temper is easier to do.
Scorpio: You feel energy surges from deep within your emotional needs and must strive to create a manageable home life, with the family and with the world too.
Sagittarius: You’re putting effort into organizing yourself and feel the energy flow when you communicate. Your desire to do good for all sees you talking directly and with intent.
Capricorn: You must be careful not to make impulsive purchases as I don’t need everything I desire right now. I must focus on generating my personal resources and not feel bad about myself, whatever my situation.
Aquarius: You have been working hard to further your own interests and assert yourself amongst others; it feels good to make an impression with all your vigour. You notice how your physical energy level is at a peak.
Pisces: If you haven’t got the credit you deserve for the amount of energy you’ve put into a project, it means you have to wait and be patient. There are no hard feelings because you’ll eventually reach your goal.
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Daily Horoscope Wednesday 27 June
Sun in Cancer the crab opposes Saturn in Capricorn (builds up on Tuesday; peaks at 1:25pm).
A sensitive person (Sun in Cancer) comes face-to-face with a serious person (Saturn in Capricorn) who is intent on setting boundaries (Saturn) and making real (Saturn) an ambitious work proposal (Capricorn). Both individuals (Sun and Saturn) have to skilfully co-ordinate their polarities (the opposition) so that a satisfactory compromise can be attained (the opposition). As there is good integration (Saturn rules Capricorn) then the emotional and intuitive expression (Sun in Cancer) is enhanced and pulled together (the opposition). Any moods or unstable feelings (Cancer) are controlled by self-discipline (Capricorn). A nurturing and responsive sympathy (Sun in Cancer) shows a fine balance is required (opposition) when exercising power and authority (Saturn in Capricorn). Awareness of family security (Sun in Cancer) becomes a psychological projection (the opposition) for those seeking public and professional recognition (Sun in Capricorn).
Aries: You’re challenged by the awareness you have of home and family verses the boundaries of the public role and profession you’re working so hard at developing. There’s time for both.
Taurus: You’re challenged by awareness of your local space, neighborhood and getting around verses a serious study of travel, worldly viewpoints and relating to others through knowledge and learning.
Gemini: You’re challenged by awareness of values and resources and how you’d like to earn and spend them verses a limiting and restricting investment potential; hold on to what you’ve got, it’s worth it.
Cancer: It’s really down to you as an individual verses an intimate or business relationship. Their serious and mature tones help you a lot in the long run, if you can see it that way, instead of blocking you.
Leo: You’re challenged by wanting a quiet life behind the scenes verses the sometimes onerous routines and duties you do as a responsible job on a day to day basis. It’s a drag, occasionally.
Virgo: You’re challenged by wanting to shine and stand out in your social network and friends verses the serious and responsible long term creative project you’ve chosen to do. Balance out your time.
Libra: You’re challenged by wanting to shine in the public arena through your profession verses serious and restrictive circumstances at home or amongst the family. Let difficulty spur you onwards.
Scorpio: You’re challenged by an urge to go farther afield and explore verses a sobering local life that you’re building up and taking responsibility for. There’s a lot to learn if you can contain it.
Sagittarius: You’re challenged by an awareness of shared resources and investments and your own values verses an ability to fund, buy or spend on something. Don’t be hard on yourself.
Capricorn: You’re challenged by a partner whose acting independently verses all the hard work you’re prepared to put into diplomatically balancing the partnership out.
Aquarius: You’re challenged by awareness of work you do on a day to day basis verses the on-going restrictions that the world outside seemingly bears down on you. Relax and ease off if you can.
Pisces: You’re challenged by awareness of your creative innovation verses constricting long term plans you’ve now come up against. Being original is called for, even though it might be overlooked.
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Daily Horoscope Thursday 28 June
Full moon with the Sun in Cancer opposite the Moon in Capricorn (begins at 04:53am and lasts for two days).
All the cards are on the table (full moon) as an issue that’s been building up for the last two weeks (moon gaining in light) is fully illuminated for all to see (full moon). Family sensitivity and nurturing protection (Sun in Cancer) has been dominated and pulled apart by professionals and all the people (the moon) have collectively (moon) had their fill of the situation (full moon). Other issues are focussed on the push and pull of the family (Cancer) verses one’s ambitions (Capricorn). There is a conflict (sun/moon opposition) between emotional empathy (Cancer) and practical method (Capricorn). The answer becomes apparent in the next two days- can both sides be met?
Aries: There’s a whole new way you’ve been learning to approach the family recently and the technique that you’ve developed is needed in more ways than one, particularly today.
Taurus: Time for a little holiday and if you can’t get away read a good book or a travel magazine so you can open up those visionary vistas and learning capabilities.
Gemini: An intense time is now requiring you to share assets and resources. Remember you can’t control the situation by being emotional.
Cancer: Letting your feelings get the better of you when dealing with an intense or obsessive partner could create even more tension than intended. Try to be rational.
Leo: It’s the time to contemplate new ways to work and apply you to the world. Something you enjoy doing is there for the taking, but it means making a deep change that you hadn’t bargained for.
Virgo: Time to let out that inner rebel and go a bit crazy; it’s more than alright to get out and do something completely different than you usually would.
Libra: Balancing your need to nurture and feel safe verses the need for a public identity or sense of authority reaches its peak today. Don’t be afraid to do a little of both.
Scorpio: Express your feelings and communicate your personality to someone who appreciates and can help expand your creative side or encourage you to learn something new.
Sagittarius: Use your magnetism to share you deepest and most intimate thoughts with someone you love. You may be feeling a need for more security so let someone know.
Capricorn: A newly forged partnership is undergoing its first testing; will they listen to your authority especially when you know you are right?
Aquarius: Examine your way with words and the habits built up around communications so that you get your message across otherwise you could appear too vague or idealistic.
Pisces: You may feel attracted towards the unusual as someone you normally wouldn’t hang around offers you an adventure. Rather than struggle with expressing yourself, just let go and see what happens.
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Daily Horoscope Friday 29 June
Mercury changes zodiac sign into Leo (starts at 05:16am and stay in Leo until September 5th).
Over the next two months you can watch out for: communications (Mercury) becoming more confident and self-assured (Leo). Spontaneous (Leo) ideas being suggested (Mercury) that are entertaining and creative (Leo). The news (Mercury) is more dramatic (Leo) and the overall message (Mercury) is to be loyal and faithful (Leo). People you know are connected together (Mercury) who will be dignified, influential and prestigious (Leo). Someone who is ready to learn (Mercury) shows determination and strong will (Leo). A short journey (Mercury) is high-spirited and dramatic (Leo). Young people (Mercury) show leadership and management skills (Leo).
Aries: A brilliant creative plan in which you can take an active role is being talked about and you’re excited to get involved.
Taurus: Optimistic and creative ideas are discussed about home life which will allow you to enjoy more of your inner world.
Gemini: You know how to motivate others for ideas and you can express this skill to some new friends.
Cancer: You’ve got some wonderful ideas around earning money that’ll change your public image and show you as independent as well as professional.
Leo: You awaken to the idea that you can make potent creative and confident decisions, particularly when it comes to travel or learning something new. Why not talk about your beliefs?
Virgo: Apply specific subjective assessment about how you want to confidently change yourself and give you a grand makeover. Deep thinking behind the scenes…
Libra: Friends are coming up with all sorts of big ideas when you ask them about an unpredictable relationship.
Scorpio: You might feel challenged by talking in a vivid and graphic style about a big idea, but it will help the way you want to change your working life to be more independent.
Sagittarius: There’s a lot to be organized from a distance and you’re looking forward to being able to express yourself in a new and uniquely different manner.
Capricorn: Detailing out the finances in a creative way helps to make confident decisions about a domestic situation. The family understands how you want to implement new changes.
Aquarius: Some dramatic talking with a partner helps to convince them where you’re at when it comes to your most recent and new independent ideas.
Pisces: Thinking about a work project and you could get over optimistic by the scale of what you’ve got planned; it’s based on what you think ownership of a certain object or concept is valued at.
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Daily Horoscope Saturday 30 June
Mercury in Leo squares Uranus in Taurus (peaks at 1:00pm).
Confident ideas (Mercury in Leo) are challenged by practical innovations (Uranus in Taurus). A trickster (Mercury) talks with dignity (Leo) but stumbles (the square) by the real (Taurus) truth(Uranus). Affectionate (Leo) talking (Mercury) is starkly contrasted (the square) by an unstable (Uranus) devotee (Taurus). All-new and different (Uranus) pleasure loving (Taurus) is resisted (the square) by the faithful (Leo) decision (Mercury). Immovable (fixed signs) ideas (Mercury) are blocked by rebellious (Uranus) conservationists (Taurus). Optimistic and buoyant (Leo) suggestions (Mercury) seem to be thwarted (square) by a radical (Uranus) realist (Taurus). Confident and self-assured (Leo) conversations (Mercury) are sent out to grass (Taurus), surrounded by an electric fence (Uranus)! Something to do with crypto-currency (Uranus in Taurus) is confidently (Leo) calculated (Mercury) to have something to do with un-stabilising(Uranus) the Bullion market (the fixed signs of Taurus and Leo) in the future (Uranus).