The people of Hong Kong rise up against their inevitable repressor, mainland China.
Mass protests over the ‘Extradition Bill’ currently being debated by Hong Kong government will see Hong Kong nationals being sent over to China for trials in law cases.
On 12th June 2019, approximately 10,000 protesters shut down Hong Kong city centre in pitched battle with HK police.
The astrology chart for the joint declaration/treaty of when Britain handed back Hong Kong to China on July 1st 1997, is fully lit up with transits right now!
Firstly, a quick look at the natal chart reveals an angular first house Saturn in Aries: this is a contract with oneself, whereby one is being forced to adopt to the rules and regulations in one’s whole approach to life.
Saturn in Aries wants to be self-reliant, but has to be patient to achieve that. This planetary position shows there is a big lesson in consequences of action, especially when being impulsive.
There can also be a tendency for self-justification, with a strong need to hold their own ambition and security.
Hence, HK nationals are fighting back when they see their freedoms being passed over to the ‘Big Brother’ of mainland China and its communist regime.
The transits show how the natal Saturn at 19 Aries is being squared by t.Saturn rx in the 10th house.
The t.nodes are also squaring the natal saturn.
There is a Mercury return with a Mars conjunction in Cancer (angry voices about the state of the home)
And t.Chiron is opposing natal Mars in Libra in the 7th house. Of course justice and fairness is at the heart of this issue.
Theres alot to see in this chart, and its a very good example of mundane astrology.
The upcoming Eclipses will really tell the story though, with:
Eclipse Chart 1) the solar eclipse on July 2nd is close conjunction to HK’s Sun in Cancer(1.44′ orb)
This indicates protection and caring required.
Eclipse Chart 2) the lunar eclipse on July 16th makes a trine to the HK north node in Virgo
trines do work in eclipses! So this is practical analysis and details needed to let go and change a situation, can HK be of service in another way?
Then 6 month until next eclipses:
Eclipse Chart 3) Solar eclipse on 26 December 2019 makes almost exact square to HK’s Ascendant/Descendant, and most importantly to the HK’s Mars in Libra.
Also other angles are involved, with eclipse conjuncting HK’s Midheaven and IC.
So all of HK’s angles in this ‘new beginning’ solar eclipse.
Will this be authoritarian victory or democratic victory, because England provides diplomatic support to help balance out the situation?
we will find out on
Eclipse Chart 4) the Lunar eclipse of 10 January 2020 When full moon makes exact squares to HK’s Saturn in Aries… this is the watershed moment.
Personally I am hopeful for democratic victory for HK, because Saturn in Aries might be allowed to continue to have Self-governance.
If UK steps in and talks to China, then good compromise can be achieved. China likes having good trade and commerce with the europe nations, so maybe diplomatic compromise will be achieved. This is also because of the Moon in Taurus exact sextile by Lunar eclipse.
Hoping best of luck for HK, as things must be very tense when the mainland China is bearing down with its ideology. it must be difficult for HK nationals when they can see China wanting to take back control of HK after British history and democracy of 140 years.
So what do you see is possibly to manifest around Jan 10, 2020 ? And is there any possibity that in Dec 2019, there will be a new form of govt, or governance systemetc in HK . If yes, do you think it is good to the HK citizens ?
Tanks a lot !