Mars in Capricorn trine Uranus in Taurus

Mars in Capricorn trine Uranus in Taurus peaks on Monday 29th Jan at 23.40 and fades out over the next two days to the 31st.
Mars Trine Uranus

What to look out for (+)

  • Courage to break free
  • Gaining new freedoms
  • Liberation from duties and obligations
  • Doing extraordinary things

What to avoid (-)

  • Breaking down unnecessary barriers
  • Lack of self-control
  • Destructive tendency
  • Taking things too far

What to expect – your best aim, purpose & intentions…

When Mars is in Capricorn it’s a good time to introduce into your life new things that will help you psychologically. Expect an accelerated pace with all action pointed towards the future. Exciting new ideas based around self-promotion may flow. Your mental energy may be stimulated and you might well develop confidence in initiating actions, as you might be enjoying a new intensity. 

Are you Mars in Capricorn person?

You know you have plenty of courage, self-reliance, and self-assurance. You are the sort of person who has a nature that is brave and bold and enjoys excitement and adventure. Now is the time when you can take action on your ambitious, enterprising, industrious, and willing to assume responsibility.

Famous people with Mars in Capricorn

David Bowie is a classic Mars in Capricorn, he had great business ability within the music industry, and he had honour, fame, and integrity.

Want to find out more? Book a reading with Julian, and remember to subscribe to his newsletter.

Mars symbol in astrology

Is yours, a friend's, or family member's birthday on one of these dates?

  • January 8–11
  • April 8–11
  • July 8–11
  • October 8–11
  • May 8–11
  • August 8–11 
  • November 8–11
  • February 8–11

Want to know more? Book a reading with Julian today!

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