Your Weekly Predictions March 17th – 24th 2024
LUNAR PHASE: First Quarter When all is at sea and floating around like flotsam and jetsam, then emotional strength and protection can be found at home, where there is nourishment from someone who cares and understands the world of dreams and fantasies. The helper in the nest helps the process of dealing with the harsher […]
Your Weekly Predictions for 17th to 23rd November 2021
Wednesday 17 November Mars in opposition to Uranus If you need to alter your plans or arrangements at short notice, this alignment can help you make sudden and unexpected decisions. The likelihood is that it is going to involve someone else, because you are either projecting a part of yourself which needs to be actively […]
The Weekly Almanac’s new Horoscope format for the modern age 25th August – 31 August
INTRODUCTION Julian Venables the London Astrologer hopes you are enjoying the Weekly Almanac as it is a new Horoscope format for the modern age. The Weekly Almanac presents you dynamic planetary energies that you will see in your own life, as well as in the world around you. This is the sort of astrology for […]
INTRODUCTION for the WEEKLY ALMANAC of 18-24 August 2021
INTRODUCTION for the WEEKLY ALMANAC of 18-24 August 2021 Julian Venables the London Astrologer hopes you are enjoying the Weekly Almanac as it is a new Horoscope format for the modern age. The Weekly Almanac presents you dynamic planetary energies that you will see in your own life, as well as in the world around […]