Kwasi’s wildness can’t be contained – the rampant Ram who’ll shove anything around?

The new Chancellor of the Exchequer, Kwasi Kwarteng, is pushing ahead with what he believes to be the answer with the UK economy, whilst the rest of the country is reeling from his direction.

Why is he acting in this way? Lets have a look at his astrology chart to find out why (26 May 1975; 12noon; Walthamstow, UK) as the planets always explain the dynamic nature of a person…

There are several things that jump out right away, so here is a quick list that requries further interpretation:

Mars in Aries opposite Pluto in Libra:

Mars the planet of lust and desire is in Aries the sign that it rules – this is someone who’ll release a single point of energy into a new experience, often with an impulsive urge to fill desires , with a willpower that can be reckless. This in opposition to the planet Pluto in libra, who loves a helpless partner through which thay can express their power… and look whats happening! Furthermore this planetary combination has a tendency to eliminate through decisive and ruthless action. He is the kind of guy who will penetrate to the core of the experience, a willpowered intensity of concentrated power. Shame he’s doing all this to the UK’s economy, rather than at home in the bedroom.

Sun in Gemini conjunct South Node

He can most likely see in himself constantly recurring patterns of conflict and tension; possibly inner conflict that results in laziness and difficulties in making descisions.

Moon in Sagittarius trine Jupiter in Aries

A subconscious predisposition to large and expansive feelings and an optimistic outlook. Even when it isn ‘t. A general response that is upbeat and buoyant, and extreme self-consciousness. Confident and deep self-assured feelings as he searches for the truth and the higher meaning.

Venus in Cancer conjunct Saturn in Cancer

Needs to feel part of a family, shares attraction energy within a close knit group, his urge for pleasure can fluctuate through moodiness and being self-protective. He feels to be self-preserivng, because he is emotionally vulnerable, and ends up restraining his emotions in a rigid and hollow way. He puts effort into commitment and responsibility for the things he feels a part of; ultimatelty is dutiful and steadfast to whatever he belongs to.

Ok, thats good enough for now, so if you now look at the current news events, can you see traits of his personality in the job and role that he is playing? Being chancellor is serious stuff; is he too lighthearted, and solely self-focussed? What lies befind that smile? I think there are many who will be more than happy to tell their stories about him.

Kwasi’s Predictions:

Jupiter is currently conjuncting his Mars, which gave him a lucky career break, but how is he using it? Seemingly not very well thought out…

Let see what happens when Jupiter visits his Mars again on the 19th Januaray 2023.

Which will then lead to Saturn squaring his nodal axis:

13th-20th March 2023

& 13th October 2023

& 25 November 2023

and Saturn square his Sun in Gemini:

20th April 2023

17th August 2023

14th January 2024

As he has so much fiery energy (Mars and Jupiter in Aries. Moon in Sagittarius) he is going to set a blazing trail, I wouldn’t be surprised if he attempts to take the top job of prime minster in the next few months.

However, he is also likely to be stopped by scandal, as the stories behind his mars pluto opposition have yet to be exposed, and he is likely to have people who he has conquered have some very scandalous material on him.





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