free daily horoscopes star sign zodiac

Daily Horoscope Sunday 20 January

Venus planet of love and relating is currently in Sagittarius which indicates an outgoing phase of attraction and socialization.

It is making a slightly at-odds alignment to Uranus in Aries, which guarantees plenty of individualized exploration, but with a stark reminder that doing things for oneself takes priority.

Today’s Sun signs:

Aries: You’re attracted to people from abroad, or a different culture. You’ll gain fun and pleasure from the learning experience and generally feel more dynamic.

Taurus: You are valuing your shared resources with a partner. There is also the potential for more sex and bedroom seduction as certain things attract you more than usual.

Gemini: You are finding both you and your partner are discovering improved methods of relating to each other. For you there’s a challenge involved but at least the doors open.

Cancer: You are enjoying settling into a routine and improving your relationships to co-workers or employees. Adopting a new kind of diet is also indicated.

Leo: You are experiencing more love and attractiveness in the way you naturally express your heart center. People love you as you are and appreciate your creative process.

Virgo: You are enjoying the family and your home life more; it’s a good time to have a gathering or a party as a social event at home makes you feel good.

Libra: You are looking to friends and personal confidants in order to communicate with more tenderness and thoughtful relating. Your sensuous voice attracts people to you.

Scorpio: You are enjoying the things you own and possess. Looking after you becomes a priority and maybe spending a bit more money than usual is indicated.

Sagittarius: You are becoming the peacemaker and the mediator. You want things to be well balanced and fair but it takes you to make sure that justice is done and all are happy.

Capricorn: You feel secret attractions and may want some kind of clandestine relationship. It’s always best to be helpful and compassionate as possible rather than get too involved?

Aquarius: You value friends and social network connections; a bit more dynamism is called for as you are attracted to someone in a way that is beneficial for your own progress.

Pisces: You are getting the attention and scoring the favors of ‘the boss’ and other authority figures. In the greater world scheme you see how popular you are.

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