free daily horoscopes star sign zodiac

Daily Horoscope Monday 1 October

Today’s Moonwatcher:

The Moon is still in Gemini on Monday morning, indicating a day with much potential to gossip and chat in a light and friendly way.

At 10.00am the Moon makes a briefly tense alignment to passionately deep Venus in Scorpio, which could be an effort to make light fun of a serious topic.

At 18:00 the Moon changes sign into Cancer, her ruling sign.

Almost immediately the Moon makes useful alignment to Uranus the planet of the unexpected: this is likely to trigger feelings of boredom, especially if stuck in a routine, so it might be easier to react in a contrary fashion.

By late evening the Moon opposes Saturn which could make you feel defensive about something.

Today’s Planet-2-Planet:

Pluto stations direct, moving forwards in Capricorn(builds all day & for the next few months)

Pluto the planet of intimidation and coercion moves forward in conventional and authoritative Capricorn.

Pluto brings to the surface issues about domination & power structures.

As Capricorn is the sign of law and order, as well as governments, then look to how these institutions are being forced to change by the current exposure of their practices.

You may well experience your own transformation occurring; if you let an old way die off you can replace it with a rejuvenated insight and thus be a greater force to be reckoned with in your own life.

For some the ‘plutonic’ intensity of change can be almost unbearable, how is it affecting you?

What to look out for:
– obsessions and compulsions
– threats and danger
– the purging and purification
– the forbidden and taboo

The best things to do [with this moment in time]:
– rejuvenate and renew (like the phoenix from the ashes)
– have willpower
– gain self-mastery
– overcome and transform
– have perseverance

The things to avoid [with this moment in time]:
– manipulation
– vengeance
– betrayal
– sabotage
– corruption

Your Sun sign today:

Aries:You’re working up to the top of your profession and whatever happens now proves you’ve got power and ability to gain respect and authority. Use the control wisely, think about others.

Taurus:A complete overhaul of your viewpoint and cultural understanding is long overdue; you’ve been forced to learn about things differently but the ‘new way’ now seems to hold sway and dominance.

Gemini:Its tough feeling forced to adjust to other people’s values, but requirements for resources and money take hold and dominate. It seems there’s no way out but to comply with the new system.

Cancer:Your feelings and emotions are rattled by a significant other and their never ending attempt to show supremacy, control and authority in relationship. You’re ready to let it all go, especially them.

Leo:Are you dieting yet? And how’s your health? Hopefully you’re taking heed of good advice and looking after your body; a sound body helps you work: co-workers will feel forced to help you.

Virgo:The urge for procreation or at least taking control for some dominant sex satisfaction should have you chomping at the bit. Transformation of self-expression is the way, using influence is the key.

Libra:Deep and powerfully motivating personal feelings about the past and family see your personal volcano cone rumble and shake. The lava will pour in great quantities and…make new land!

Scorpio:Truth be told you’re at home when the chance to make powerful changes comes along. So take the lead and show your command skill as to what happens to people and friends close to you.

Sagittarius:Money and earning ability is changing; you’ve got control over something that empowers as well as modifies your sense of self-worth; use your influence and sway to get better authority.

Capricorn:You’ve been subtly preparing for a thorough self-transformation and now it bursts forth showing in no uncertain terms that you have ultimate influence and sway in matters of authority and control.

Aquarius:Power issues and manipulative control is rumbling in the background. It’s most likely on an unconscious level but you are now primed and ready for a complete makeover of your inner world.

Pisces:It’s a long time in development but you’re ready to completely help change your social circle and way of networking. Career wise you seek and plan empowerment for the future: to be influential.

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Daily Horoscope Tuesday 2 October

Today’s Moonwatcher:

This week sees the Moon entering Last Quarter phase on Monday night, and diminishing in light to the dark moon phase (no light) on Saturday 6th and Sunday 7th.
As an overview, see this week as the rounding up projects and events that developed during September.

Its a good week to reflect on the changes you have recently experienced, without necessarily starting something afresh.

09:45am is the Last Quarter phase with Moon in Cancer/Sun in Libra so reflections on dependency are likely, along with emotions connected to loyalty and recognition.

This will develop into a deeper feeling about the condition of a significant relationship as the Moon then makes a good aspect to Venus in Scorpio at 12:15pm.

Attune yourself to the flow of your thoughts at this time to ‘think’ about what you would like.

The last time Venus was retrograde in Scorpio was in October 2010, and with the Moon currently in Cancer, you may well remember the past!

During the rest of the afternoon and up until 18:45pm, the Moon then makes a good aspect to Neptune in Pisces: further feelings about the sacrifices you make for love?

Today’s Planet-2-Planet:

Mercury in Libra squares Pluto in Capricorn(builds all day & perfects at Midnight)

Mercury the thinker and talker is lining up to make a tense and challenging aspect to Pluto the planet of ultimatums and extremes.

Look out for exposing secrets and revealing intense thoughts.

Even though Mercury the planet of information and decisions is currently in Libra the sign of the scales of balance and fairness.

Mercury wants to speak in a well balanced way but is severely blocked by coercive and strategic pluto, forcing communication and exposing information that would normally stay well hidden.

This means that deeper research has to occur to dig out the meaning of what can’t be spoken about.

What to look out for:
– truth and consequences
– trust and secrets
– display or conceal
– incisive and decisive

The best things to do [with this moment in time]:
– comparisons or extremes of thinking
– talk someone into it (or out of it)
– use a penetrating mind
– research and investigation

The things to avoid [with this moment in time]:
– worry or paranoia
– impatience, skepticism or sarcasm
– scheming or sneakiness
– bribery or blackmail

Your Sun sign today:

Aries:In what starts as simple questions and answers a partner could get right under your skin about your extreme ambitions and end up causing intensity and clashes of mind streams.

Taurus:Communications with co-workers or employees could lead to an intensifying of your beliefs and viewpoints so a clash occurs- how can they understand you now? Tread carefully on worldly matters.

Gemini:Talking about having fun and recreation, or making a decision with children involved could lead into an intense mind battle that leads to an ultimatum.

Cancer:Talking about deepest feelings with the family or at home leads to an intense clash with hidden issues to do with a partnership, domination and control. People have to be careful in conversation to avoid intensity.

Leo:Communication with people close to you including siblings can go to intense depths rarely experienced before. It could be a make or break time as a challenge to talk the truth reaches levels of extremism.

Virgo:Decisions about what you value come to the surface and challenge your thought patterns. Deep desires to be creative are laid bare by issues around money and resources. Asking for it makes it even more intense.

Libra:Talking about yourself in the way that you are digs up an unsettled family past and opens the door with all the ghosts inside. Shocked to the core, you know now how to upset a volcano and devastate. Go easy.

Scorpio:Secret thoughts surfacing out of your inner world are priming material for you say things that have devastating consequences. If you could just mull things over and keep it under wraps, it’d be peaceful…

Sagittarius:Talking with friends about your hopes and wishes pushes you towards revealing your usually hidden opinions about money and values. Oops that could end up becoming an intense and extreme situation.

Capricorn:What starts out as words with the boss about career and life direction gradually intensifies into a power, control and dominance situation whereby what you say could be an all-or-nothing result. Beads of sweat.

Aquarius:Learning and communicating with a teacher or another culture gradually intensifies until you realize you have to let go of an old and outdated opinion, crunch it up and spit it out to be replaced with something new.

Pisces:Listening to and making decisions about the changes you have to make gradually intensifies until you have an ultimatum with a dominant career plan and/or influential friends: ‘My partner made me do it, honestly!’

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Daily Horoscope Wednesday 3 October

Today’s Moonwatcher:

Wednesday morning at 08:30am the Moon makes a helpful alignment to beneficial Jupiter in Scorpio, this deepens your resolve and helps you know that you are always gaining in emotional wisdom and understanding.

From 4pm to 8pm the Moon (before it leaves Cancer) makes a mildly testing alignment to Neptune in Pisces; this is the reminder that whatever your feelings, there are others who depend on you.

At 21:12 the Moon changes sign into proud Leo and the mood shifts to one of fun; the moon immediate applies a tense aspect to Uranus, possibly making the rest of the evening rather unpredictable in terms of reactions and responses.

Today’s Planet-2-Planet:

Mercury in Libra quintile Neptune in Pisces(builds all day & perfects at 23:55)

Mercury the thinker and communicator lines up to make a rare positive alignment to Neptune the dreamer and idealist.

This indicates how a dreamer can persuade others with a message.

What to look out for:
– healing through words
– learning through revelation
– understanding it perfectly
– easily persuaded line of thinking
– the victim and the rescuer

The best things to do [with this moment in time]:
– be pleasant and poetic
– be imaginative and ambiguous
– forgiving and forgetting

The things to avoid [with this moment in time]:
– an unrealistic expectation of a relationship
– a sacrifice to maintain equality
– white lies
– believing the con artist

Your Sun sign today:

Aries:In talking to your partner and making sure that you listen to them at the same time, you get that feeling that you can access your deep unconscious and insights that are often concealed from you.

Taurus:Decisions have to made about your daily routine and the people that you work with; luckily you are compelled to tell employees about your dreams and long term objectives, and its well-received.

Gemini:It’s what you do best and do well: having creative fun (playing games or sports) whilst showing the world how fluid and adaptable you are. That quirky restlessness can be put to good use.

Cancer:You need to explain your deepest emotional needs as a matter of balance; your belief and faith in life provides the creative solution you’re looking for.

Leo:You have ideas a–plenty that need organizing and arranging; you’re also visualizing the money to be made when the logical resolution clicks into place.

Virgo:You are valued in a certain way and in talking about it then a significant other can see your talent and abilities, rather than just imagine or visualize them.

Libra:There’s something about representing yourself as the main concern that means you can continue to do well and manifest your dreams on a day-to day (work) basis.

Scorpio:Decisions made in secret or behind the scenes show that you have talent, and by being a little bit magical you get to manifest what wasn’t expected.

Sagittarius:A friend or a group understand your floating base and sense of sometimes rootlessness; However you have the talent to persuade them to think differently.

Capricorn:Discussions about career, vocation and what you are reaching for are positively synthesized with your persuasive vision and dreams of how things can be. Your talent is duly noted.

Aquarius:A message or a chat with a long distant connection brings a creative solution to a problem about what to buy or sell. If you own it already, you can let it go in an ingenious way?

Pisces:Discussions about resources and money need a talented and ingenious solution. In a situation like this you do best (and it’s easy to) act elusively, flowing around helps you get away with it.

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Daily Horoscope Thursday 4 October

Today’s Moonwatcher:

Today sees the moon make challenging alignments to both the relationship planets of Mars (at 09:30am) and Venus (at at 15:20).

Some reassurance might be needed as creative or imaginative expressions can lead responses throughout the day.

A noticeable level of drama maybe expressed.

Today’s Planet-2-Planet:

Mercury in Libra quintile Saturn in Capricorn (builds all day & perfects at 11:30am)

Mercury the planet of thinking makes a creative leap to the consolidating and committed planet Saturn.

The hard work needs planning out, but it’s good to do it.

What to look out for:
– the preoccupation of a legal process
– collecting the evidence
– a careful speaker
– a clever logical solution
– persuasive problem solving

The best things to do [with this moment in time]:
– meditate and centre oneself through thoughts.
– outline a format
– the old and young learn from each other
– use precise and carefully chosen words

The things to avoid [with this moment in time]:
– rigidity or narrow-mindedness
– repressing information
– being overly cautious “because its always been done that way…”
– blocking communication or the truth

Your Sun sign today:

Aries:Through discussions with a partner you make the all-important ‘click’ that helps to settle any restlessness into a working structure that’ll establish your public profile and career.

Taurus:Deciding the daily routine helps to manifest the committed and responsible beliefs you have; some people need to be taught. That practicality is what you do well, so you may as well show your talent.

Gemini:Through the fun and the good times you are compelled to display your talent; why not show something? Even if the cash flow is somewhat slow for such creativity, it will manifest given time.

Cancer:By making a clear decision what you want to do with your turf (dwelling, house) then you can show your partner (who’s slow on the uptake, but reliable), how you can manifest the plan.

Leo:The people close to you are the ones to talk to; show them you have the talent and abilities to stay committed to the task at hand, on a daily basis, and you’ll be granted the responsibility.

Virgo:Decisions about money and/or earnings help you to make a creative leap towards the expressing the serious side to your nature.

Libra:Making a decision about your approach helps to persuade the serious family members who want to see a creative solution to a problem.

Scorpio:Secretive thinking can be positively synthesized with a clear cut somewhat austere and responsible set of communications to people closest to you.

Sagittarius:Chatting and deciding on long term objectives are given a logical resolution when you calculate the budgeting and limits to your spending money and resources.

Capricorn:You are thinking about your career and public image and understand in an ingenious way that by being particularly serious and rule abiding, you can get away with it.

Aquarius:As you learn about the bigger picture you get a good idea of how it influences you from behind the scenes. You’ve got a lot of clearing the decks to do in preparation.

Pisces:As you discuss resources and investments you understand the creative solution to the problem, especially as a long term objective makes itself known very obviously.

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Daily Horoscope Friday 5 October

Today’s Moonwatcher:

From 9am to 11:30am the moon makes a square to Jupiter, enlarging the possibilities for having fun, though be sensitive to a deeper meaning behind the living it large attitude.

Today’s Planet-2-Planet:

Venus stations retrograde(starts at 19:04 until 16th November)

Venus planet of love begins to go in reverse meaning it’s time to mull things over emotionally and try to feel more comfortable and balanced with current relationship situations.

It’s not a good time for marriage or divorce.

It might also be difficult to assess money and finances at this time.

What to look out for:
– reviewing your interconnections with others
– seeking the inner meaning and value of something
– reviewing your sense of self-worth
– reassess your self-image, attractiveness and what beauty is for you.

The best things to do [with this moment in time]:
– reevaluate your commitments
– revisit your passions
– rediscover what turns you on
– appreciate others

The things to avoid [with this moment in time]:
– spending too much
– drastic changes
– overhauling things unnecessarily
– infidelity

Your Sun sign today:

Aries:Pay attention to misunderstandings in shared monies and resources that could affect relating to a significant other. Wait until you make any changes you’ve been thinking about.

Taurus:The situation with a significant other needs reconsidering; there’s a lot of flux around so making important love decisions is not advisable. Go internalize and work through your feelings.

Gemini:How you value your work and the time you dedicate to it is in flux; is a love matter getting in the way of usual procedures and routines? Reconsider everything before rash decisions.

Cancer:A creative project is reconsidered and a need to express your self could complicate matters. Relationships with children could also be affected. Its not the time for final conclusions.

Leo:Deep feelings about your home life or family roots could complicate your relationships. You need to work out the true value of a relationship before committing to it.

Virgo:Your method of communicating and linking to others close to you need to be reconsidered, including with your siblings. Don’t make final decisions or commitments yet.

Libra:You may be drawn in a seductive and even obsessive way to ownership of a particular object, without knowing its true value. Hold back from spending if too much if you can.

Scorpio:You’re keen to make a new beginning and shed off an old skin yet you need more time to consider how to change your general approach; don’t fix on a decision quite yet.

Sagittarius:Secret and hidden feelings to do with relationships have you in a state of flux without knowing what you want to do. Just keep pondering without committing yourself.

Capricorn:Your friendships are in flux and need some reconsidering about how you get on with certain people; what is their true value to you? It’s not necessarily about letting go.

Aquarius:It’s an excellent time to go back and finish an uncompleted creative project before you start anything new. You might ask yourself how much you want to get involved with a certain person.

Pisces:Review your needs involving others especially if power play has activated deep insights and understandings recently. Things might not be fairly balanced; learn from what’s happening.

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Daily Horoscope Saturday 6 October

Today’s Moonwatcher:

The moon will have already changed sign in to Virgo on Saturday morning, changing the mood towards being useful and concentrating on any particular tasks.

Because the moon is now in its balsamic dark phase, then it might be a good idea to just let things gently pass rather than have any strong reactions to any situations arising.

Instead focus on your personal needs and routines.

Look into your health and how you are looking after yourself.

Today’s Planet-2-Planet:

Mars in Aquarius semiquintile Neptune in Pisces(builds all day & perfects at 17:56)

Mars pushes on independently in humanitarian Aquarius as it makes a mildly helpful alignment to Neptune the fantasist in dreamy Pisces.

Wouldn’t it be good if the whole world moved as one motivation for a good cause?

What to look out for:
– original and creative types
– a seeker of freedom
– friendly support
– hearing a different drummer

The best things to do [with this moment in time]:
– challenge old beliefs
– act for a cause
– seek help
– use sudden insights proactively

The things to avoid [with this moment in time]:
– be too off-the-wall
– anarchistic
– be too single minded, and off track.
– be unrealistic

Your Sun sign today:

Aries:In an ideal world you’d assert yourself to create a reforming urge towards friends, groups and associates.

Taurus:Your passionate desire toward your life direction and career sees you act independently and even eccentrically.

Gemini:You assert your world view with increased willpower, with possible desires for travel and exploration.

Cancer:Change is found in reform, particularly in connection with financial investments and shared resources. Be objective and open to new concepts.

Leo:You assert yourself in relationships differently with more willpower and the use of intelligent freedom. You’ll get there through cool detachment.

Virgo:Assert yourself in the workplace through experimentation and doing things differently. Also an exciting new health direction and urge.

Libra:You have an abundance of mental energy to achieve your creative goals. A drive and urge for good times, romance and sexual activity makes things look good.

Scorpio:Be independent, strong willed and individualistic with the family and home life. You might want to move the furniture around to offset frustrations.

Sagittarius:You might be driven to outspokenness. Be wary of being verbally assertive and instead counter it with intelligent debate and pressure talk.

Capricorn:You want to experiment with money and resources. You’re driven to work with new possibilities and intelligent action.

Aquarius:You assert yourself intelligently, individualistically and want to be more independent. You will feel driven to push for what you want and feel quite competitive.

Pisces:You feel physical energy building up behind the scenes and in your inner world. You have reforming and revolutionary drives but its still not time to use them.

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Daily Horoscope Sunday 7 October

Today’s Moonwatcher:

The vanishing moons light tends to draw feelings and emotions back into the unconscious realm, so overall, people will be just that, less reactionary to daily circumstances.

Have a think about the upcoming new moon on October 9th; can you foresee any intentions for the month ahead?

It is always a better time to launch any new active inspirations at the new moon.

Today’s Planet-2-Planet:

The Sun in Libra inconjunct Neptune in Pisces(builds all day & perfects at 15:15 pm)

The Sun planet of identity makes an ‘at-odds’ link with mystical Neptune in dreamy Pisces making interesting waves to the current picture.

You create your own reality, what do you see appearing out of the mist of potential possibilities?

What to look out for:
– a renunciation
– someone who is compliant but resentful
– a fraudulent situation “no one really knows me”
– a sensitivity to the environment

The best things to do [with this moment in time]:
– be artistic, musical, gifted, have a sleight of hand.
– escape into invisibility if needed
– appreciate and praise others
– explore the mask and the drama

The things to avoid [with this moment in time]:
– feeling lost
– being poorly defended
– being a pushover or the underdog
– denial and distortion
– escape through substance abuse

Your Sun sign today:

Aries:Your partner just wants a fair and just relationship where there’s an equal balance in all that’s said and you both keep aware of each other’s needs.

Taurus:The job has to be done but choosing the right people for it has proved to be a bit of a testing ground. It’s all about creating a harmonious working relationship.

Gemini:You’re on top form with your creative ideas and the fun and games you can make and create delight all sorts of people, especially children. Maybe you could make a career out of what you’re making?

Cancer:You’ve got ideas about where you could live or what you could do with your current dwelling and settling on one course of action seems to be eluding you, at the moment. Let things develop before deciding.

Leo:You’ve got to get your message across in a way that balanced and harmonious. People will listen if you say it in the right way. Short journeys seem unavoidable but each one adds to the eventual result you seek.

Virgo:Ideas about money, possessions, earnings and personal resources have been going round and making you wonder whether you’ve got the right idea when it comes to finding the perfect partner.

Libra:You’ve got to say the right things so you can present yourself in the most suave and uber-cool manner. The method of approaching is a learning process, and by allowing for some fluctuations you’ll get it right.

Scorpio:You have the past to think about, how you kept things balanced and fair, leading up to today. Those beautiful romantic dreams which help you to express your heart centered feelings make a healing decision.

Sagittarius:Now there’s a bit more clarity about the objectives you have you can set out your ideals, because when given the chance you will make a beautiful home that will be a social hub as well.

Capricorn:People who are linked to work and career ask you questions about how you’d like to be in authority- this bodes well for a long term development but your drifting imagination still dreams of other things.

Aquarius:Plans for travelling and learning are taking better shape all the time; a part of you is willing to let go of a lot of values and possessions in order to make some kind of harmonious cultural partnership.

Pisces:You sense your partner is willing to think different and make changes so to ensure a harmonious partnership. Peace and fairness is sought; once any wrinkles have been removed, it’s a union of bliss.

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I hope you enjoy these Daily Horoscopes & the Moonwatcher forecast for the week ahead.

I am available for a personal reading of your natal horoscope; I have been an astrologer for over 25 years and have a diploma in professional astrology.

As the great 17th century astrologer William Lilly used to say “All Questions Answered” especially on career, love, relationships, health & money, as well as travel, timing and choices.

Please share this weekly stars forecast with other astrology enthusiasts.

with all good wishes,


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